单词 | fasts |
释义 | fast1 of 5adjective ˈfast 1 a : firmly fixed roots fast in the ground b : tightly shut the drawers were fast c : adhering firmly The boards were fast a few hours after being glued together. d : not easily freed : stuck a ball fast in the mouth of the cannon e : stable movable items were made fast to the deck 2 : firmly loyal became fast friends 3 a : characterized by quick motion, operation, or effect: (1) : moving or able to move rapidly : swift a fast horse (2) : taking a comparatively short time a fast race (3) : imparting quickness of motion a fast bowler (4) : accomplished quickly fast work (5) : agile of mind especially : quick to learn a class for fast students b : conducive to rapidity of play or action a fast track c(1) of a timepiece or weighing device : indicating in advance of what is correct Your clock is two minutes fast. (2) : according to or being daylight saving time d : contributing to a shortening of exposure time fast film e : acquired with unusually little effort and often by shady or dishonest methods had a keen eye for a fast buck— 4 a : securely attached a rope fast to the wharf b : tenacious a fast hold on her purse 5 a archaic : sound asleep b of sleep : not easily disturbed fell into a fast sleep 6 : not fading or changing color readily fast colors 7 a : actively seeking excitement and pleasure : wild a pretty fast crowd b : sexually promiscuous 8 : resistant to change (as from destructive action or fading) fast dyes —often used in combination sunfastacid-fast bacteria fast 2 of 5adverb1 : in a firm or fixed manner stuck fast 2 : in a sound manner : deeply fast asleep 3 a : in a rapid manner : quickly b : in quick succession 4 : in a reckless or dissipated manner 5 : ahead of a correct time or schedule 6 archaic : close, near fast 3 of 5verb fasted; fasting; fasts intransitive verb 1 : to abstain from food 2 : to eat sparingly or abstain from some foods fast 4 of 5noun (1)1 : the practice of fasting 2 : a time of fasting fast 5 of 5noun (2) : something that fastens (such as a mooring line) or holds a fastening fasts verbas in diets Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
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