: a red-colored mixture of quinones derived from epinephrine by oxidation
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebThe scene was immortalized in Terry Gilliam’s 1998 film; a YouTube clip of Johnny Depp’s character taking adrenochrome, which to date has more than 1.7 million views, has drawn thousands of comments referencing the conspiracy. Brian Friedberg, Wired, 31 July 2020
Word History
borrowed from German Adrenochrom, from adreno- adreno- + -chrom -chrome
First Known Use
1940, in the meaning defined above
Medical Definition
ad·re·no·chrome ə-ˈdrē-nə-ˌkrōm
: a red-colored mixture of quinones derived from epinephrine by oxidation and yielding a product like melanin on further oxidation