Recent Examples on the WebMechanical engineers at Stanford have come up with a solution: N95 masks that protect from viruses and other microparticles, but also circulate oxygen. Courtney Linder, Popular Mechanics, 15 Apr. 2020 To find a filter similar to those tested, look for a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) rating of 12 or higher or a microparticle performance rating of 1900 or higher.New York Times, 5 Apr. 2020 Offering local delivery once every three days for up to six months, these hollow microparticles could really pack a punch against cancer.Popular Science, 17 Mar. 2020 The trees will also reduce water runoff and filter pollutions and microparticles from the atmosphere. David Williams, CNN, 30 Oct. 2019 Meanwhile, a deadly, self-replicating, microparticle structure is growing exponentially, eating the jungle and killing nearby tribal habitants. Don Oldenburg, USA TODAY, 15 Nov. 2019 The researchers found microplastics and microparticles, both of which are bits of debris less than 5 millimeters long.Wired, 3 Oct. 2019 Scientists found that many microplastics do indeed sink and accumulate on the seafloor, and that the highest concentrations of microparticles were in areas that received large volumes of wastewater and stormwater discharges.Los Angeles Times, 2 Oct. 2019 Shellfish is the second biggest source of plastic ingestion, with the average person consuming as many as 182 microparticles -- 0.5 grams -- from this per week. Isabelle Gerretsen, CNN, 11 June 2019 See More