Recent Examples on the WebIn contrast, Eleanor and Lorena’s relationship feels slapdash and underwritten, with Anderson and Rabe sharing less than a nanogram of chemistry.Washington Post, 14 Apr. 2022 Scientists have determined those consequences can play out even when there are extremely low concentrations of pharmaceuticals in bodies of water, like those detected in the Gwynns Falls — as little as a nanogram per liter. Christine Condon,, 9 Sep. 2021 The deal also increases the level of THC that qualifies as a positive test, from 35 nanograms of carboxy THC per milliliter of urine to 150, and reduces penalties — including the elimination of suspensions — for players who test positive. Tom Schad, USA TODAY, 15 Mar. 2020 In most cases, prostate cancer is slow-growing, and a PSA level of less than 4 nanograms per milliliter of blood is considered within the range of normal.New York Times, 24 Feb. 2020 The Impossible Whopper, Stangle concludes, has 44 milligrams of estrogen compared to just 2.5 nanograms in the beef Whopper. Tim Carman, Washington Post, 26 Dec. 2019 The indictment filed Wednesday states Keese was driving under a suspension and had 50 nanograms or more of cocaine metabolite per milliliter of his whole blood, blood serum or plasma. Madeline Mitchell,, 26 Feb. 2020 Young people's blood was tested for levels of serum cotinine, a metabolite of nicotine; 0.05 to 10 nanograms per milliliter identified exposure to secondhand smoke. Allen Kim, CNN, 15 Aug. 2019 Fifty nanograms of cocaine per milliliter of blood is the threshold that constitutes an OVI for Ohio drivers, according to Ohio law. Madeline Mitchell,, 26 Feb. 2020 See More