释义 |
a : pallid, blanched a colorless complexion b : dull, uninteresting colorless prose 1 as in white lacking an addition of color since we can't decide what color to paint the doghouse, our latest home project remains colorless for the time being -
white -
transparent -
uncolored -
faded -
gray -
unstained -
unpainted -
liquid -
undyed -
limpid -
clear -
pale -
neutral -
pellucid -
dull -
bleached -
grey -
pallid -
whited -
tintless -
lucent -
faint -
snowy -
palish -
washed-out -
washy -
snow-white -
colored -
stained -
tinted -
pigmented -
hued -
painted -
tinged -
colorful -
dyed -
varicolored -
multicolored -
tinct -
polychromatic -
colorized -
tinctured -
variegated -
polychrome See More 2 as in boring causing weariness, restlessness, or lack of interest page after page of colorless prose without even one neat turn of phrase -
boring -
dull -
dusty -
stupid -
tiring -
slow -
drab -
weary -
old -
dry -
wearying -
uninteresting -
heavy -
monochromatic -
monotonous -
irritating -
annoying -
dreary -
humdrum -
arid -
pedestrian -
sterile -
leaden -
tame -
tedious -
stodgy -
pallid -
tiresome -
stuffy -
gray -
stale -
wearisome -
drudging -
flat -
numbing -
jejune -
blank -
ponderous -
barren -
ho-hum -
dullish -
spiritless -
jading -
unexciting -
mind-numbing -
uninspiring -
unimaginative -
prosaic -
blah -
prosy -
exhausting -
inanimate -
uneventful -
unspectacular -
grey -
unrewarding -
soggy -
unsensational -
earthbound -
aseptic -
draining -
vapid -
ordinary -
irksome -
undramatic -
unexceptional -
bothersome -
wearing -
suspenseless -
pedantic -
common -
debilitating -
commonplace -
enervating -
tepid -
fatiguing -
unnewsworthy -
enfeebling -
cumbersome -
discouraging -
pleasureless -
palling -
plodding -
dispiriting -
demoralizing -
pokey -
poky -
disheartening -
lumbering -
unsurprising -
longsome -
interesting -
engaging -
intriguing -
absorbing -
engrossing -
spectacular -
wondrous -
involving -
riveting -
wonderful -
marvelous -
attractive -
surprising -
marvellous -
sensational -
entertaining -
astonishing -
breathtaking -
gripping -
exciting -
charming -
amusing -
amazing -
exhilarating -
energizing -
electrifying -
alluring -
inspiring -
awesome -
fabulous -
astounding -
stimulating -
enchanting -
entrancing -
stirring -
bewitching -
poignant -
rousing -
beguiling -
thrilling -
galvanizing -
moving -
enlivening -
fascinating -
enthralling -
invigorating -
animating -
touching -
diverting -
captivating -
spellbinding -
provocative -
attracting -
eye-opening -
mesmerizing -
rip-roaring -
tantalizing -
suspenseful -
hair-raising -
arresting See More |