Recent Examples on the WebOne study of endurance athletes, for instance, found that supplementing with protein (a blend of whey isolate and beef hydrolysate) reduced potentially health-promoting bacteria such as Roseburia and Bifidobacterium. Patrick Wilson, Outside Online, 11 Sep. 2020 There are all manner of organic houseplant fertilizers (microbe food, right?) ranging from kelp, bone meal, rock phosphate, humic and fulvic acids and fish emulsions, as well as fish hydrolysates. Jeff Lowenfels, Anchorage Daily News, 24 Oct. 2019 To make Garrett Juice Plus concentrate, add 1 pint fish hydrolysate (liquid fish). Howard Garrett, Dallas News, 18 June 2019 Additionally, a 2008 study treated athletes with 10 grams of collagen hydrolysate. Elise Deming, Rdn, Ldn,, 26 Feb. 2018 The plant shut down after Nov. 20 when about 450 gallons of hydrolysate spilled because of a seal failure in a storage tank. Jesse Paul, The Denver Post, 10 Jan. 2017