释义 |
2 : having a mind especially of a specified kind or concerned with a specified thing —usually used in combination narrow-mindedhealth-minded mindedness ˈmīn-dəd-nəs noun as in willing having a desire or inclination (as for a specified course of action) in most David vs. Goliath contests, people are generally minded to side with the underdog -
willing -
inclined -
ready -
glad -
prepared -
obliging -
disposed -
amenable -
game -
excited -
cooperative -
fain -
eager -
receptive -
enthusiastic -
obedient -
accommodating -
prone -
responsive -
compliant -
agreeable -
predisposed -
submissive -
desirous -
favorable -
enthused -
swift -
prompt -
quick -
unwilling -
reluctant -
disinclined -
averse -
reticent -
loath -
loth -
unamenable -
loathe See More past tense of mind 1 as in listened to pay attention especially through the act of hearing you'll be in big trouble if you don't straighten up and mind -
listened -
heard -
hearkened -
heeded -
attended -
harked -
harkened -
harkened -
pricked up one's ears -
ignored -
disregarded -
tuned out -
discounted 2 as in remembered chiefly dialect to bring back to mind I seem to mind such a tale from way back -
remembered -
recalled -
reminded -
recollected -
educed -
reproduced -
reminisced (about) -
evoked -
elicited -
flashed back (to) -
hearkened back (to) -
represented -
thought (of) -
harked back (to) -
extracted -
harkened back (to) -
harkened back (to) -
recaptured -
recurred -
raised -
relived -
ignored -
forgot -
neglected -
disregarded -
overlooked -
unlearned -
missed -
lost -
disremembered -
misremembered -
blanked (out) See More 3 as in obeyed to act according to the commands of tell the children to mind the babysitter -
obeyed -
followed -
observed -
kept to -
abided by -
regarded -
heard -
goose-stepped (to) -
watched -
noticed -
attended -
conformed (to) -
fell in with -
heeded -
complied (with) -
noted -
adhered (to) -
marked -
took -
yielded (to) -
agreed (to) -
submitted (to) -
surrendered (to) -
deferred (to) -
assented (to) -
acceded (to) -
acquiesced (to) -
listened (to) -
challenged -
dared -
defied -
refused -
led -
directed -
disobeyed -
ignored -
renounced -
dismissed -
disregarded -
repudiated -
rebelled (against) -
overlooked -
opposed -
scorned -
tuned out -
disobliged -
mocked -
brushed (off) -
broke -
violated -
derided -
winked (at) -
passed over -
overpassed -
poohed -
breached -
resisted -
transgressed -
flouted -
fought -
contested -
scoffed (at) -
infringed -
disputed -
bucked -
pooh-poohed -
withstood -
combatted -
combated -
revolted (against) -
mutinied (against) -
shrugged off See More 4 as in noticed to be cautious of or on guard against mind the slippery steps -
ignored -
missed -
overlooked -
disregarded -
discounted 5 as in cared to have an interest or concern for don't mind him; he's always complaining -
cared -
watched -
regarded -
noticed -
heeded -
attended -
looked out (for) -
noted -
observed -
sympathized (with) -
empathized (with) -
felt (for) -
ignored -
overlooked -
disregarded 6 as in watched to take charge of especially on behalf of another the salesperson will mind the store while the manager goes out to lunch -
watched -
supervised -
tended -
attended -
managed -
guarded -
oversaw -
controlled -
saw to -
operated -
saw after -
guided -
protected -
looked after -
governed -
superintended -
regulated -
run -
directed -
conducted -
shielded -
ran -
administrated -
patrolled -
cared (for) -
safeguarded -
shepherded -
took care of -
chaperoned -
babied -
stewarded -
babysat -
mothered -
presided (over) -
ignored -
neglected -
disregarded -
abandoned -
forgot -
passed over 7 as in noted to take notice of and be guided by mind the instructions that appear at the top of the first page of the exam -
noted -
followed -
regarded -
respected -
considered -
observed -
obeyed -
heeded -
watched -
pondered -
kept -
contemplated -
heard -
listened (to) -
mulled -
noticed -
saw -
weighed -
marked -
conformed (to) -
attended (to) -
complied (with) -
hearkened (to) -
harkened (to) -
harked (to) -
ignored -
disregarded -
dismissed -
scorned -
neglected -
tuned out -
discounted -
brushed (aside or off) -
poohed -
defied -
passed over -
flouted -
glossed (over) -
pooh-poohed -
slighted -
snubbed -
glozed (over) -
shrugged off See More |