释义 |
: a pretending that what is not real is real a fiction writer's childish willingness to immerse himself in make-believe John Updike as in imaginary not real and existing only in the imagination zoomed around the house in a make-believe car -
imaginary -
fictitious -
fictional -
mythical -
imagined -
mythic -
fantasied -
fantastical -
pretend -
ideal -
imaginal -
phantom -
fanciful -
unreal -
invented -
chimerical -
made-up -
phantasmal -
notional -
theoretical -
phantasmic -
legendary -
romantic -
hypothetical -
visionary -
fantastic -
fabulous -
chimeric -
unlikely -
theoretic -
fabled -
abstract -
illusory -
fictive -
unconvincing -
deceptive -
unbelievable -
hallucinatory -
delusive -
envisioned -
phantasmagoric -
conceived -
delusional -
visualized -
concocted -
phantasmagorical -
nonexistent -
envisaged -
pictured -
fabricated -
feigned -
daydreamlike -
inexistent -
real -
actual -
true -
authentic -
existing -
genuine -
existent -
factual -
realistic -
believable -
physical -
convincing -
verifiable -
substantial -
solid -
corporeal -
tangible -
material -
palpable -
verified See More as in fiction -
fiction -
simulation -
imitation -
pretense -
representation -
affectation -
imposture -
pretence -
demonstration -
display -
masquerade -
likeness -
pose -
insinuation -
image -
resemblance -
implication -
veneer -
surface -
suggestion -
mask -
disguise -
facade -
cloak -
exterior -
hint -
shell -
front -
effect -
gloss -
air -
shape -
impression -
façade -
seeming -
patina -
Potemkin village -
semblance -
guise -
show -
name -
appearance -
outward -
face as in pretend to present a false appearance of He made believe he was sick to get out of going to school. -
pretend -
assume -
simulate -
put on -
affect -
pass (for) -
act -
sham -
feign -
let on -
counterfeit -
dissemble -
bluff -
profess -
pose -
fake -
forge -
conceal -
play -
masquerade -
imitate -
camouflage -
dissimulate -
mask -
impersonate -
disguise -
playact -
feint -
malinger |