: a Eurasian short-billed rail (Crex crex) that frequents grain fields
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebBut there is hope for the return of the corncrake’s call.New York Times, 4 Aug. 2022 As if to back his point, a male corncrake started calling from a nettle bed nearby.New York Times, 4 Aug. 2022 These grasslands also support an even more threatened species, a shy, partridge-like bird called the corncrake, which remained silent and unseen.Washington Post, 18 Oct. 2019 These grasslands also support an even more threatened species, a shy, partridge-like bird called the corncrake, which remained silent and unseen. Adrian Higgins, chicagotribune.com, 18 Oct. 2019
Word History
early Scots cornecrake, from corne corn entry 1 + crake crake