: any of several slender long-tailed Asian monkeys (subfamily Colobinae)
Illustration of langur
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebThe group named its urban canopy bridge Ah Lai’s Crossing, after the first alpha male langur that LPP tracked for an extended period of time. Charukesi Ramadurai, The Christian Science Monitor, 5 Apr. 2022 Her team of volunteers – mainly local community members and undergraduate students from the Universiti Sains Malaysia, where Ms. Yap is getting her Ph.D. – focuses on researching dusky langur behavior, as well as public outreach and education. Charukesi Ramadurai, The Christian Science Monitor, 5 Apr. 2022 The grieving langur monkey helped inspire Charles Darwin in writing The Descent of Man (1871). Jo Livingstone, The New Republic, 12 Mar. 2021 In the early 20th century, British zoologist Guy C. Shortridge collected thousands of specimens, including a 1913 Trachypithecus specimen that the Popa langur team re-examined. Jessie Yeung, CNN, 10 Nov. 2020 Not in the flashy way of, say, the Spix’s macaw (which is believed to be extinct in the wild) or the Gee’s golden langur (which is endangered). Elizabeth Kolbert, National Geographic, 25 Sep. 2019 No one was around me except for a bleating goat, a black-faced langur monkey hanging by its tail on the Neem tree and perhaps an uninterested peacock. Dr. Monita Soni, al, 2 Oct. 2019 Light gray langurs hovered on the roadsides, vanishing into the forest as soon as a human appeared. Lawrence Osborne, Town & Country, 30 Mar. 2015 Here’s to hoping the Iberian Lynx and purple-faced langur are able to overcome their existential threat and embrace a sustainable, bright future. Josh Linkner, Detroit Free Press, 1 Apr. 2018 See More