单词 | crack wise |
释义 | crack1 of 3verb ˈkrak cracked; cracking; cracks intransitive verb 1 : to make a very sharp explosive sound The whip cracks through the air. 2 : to break, split, or snap apart The statue cracked when she dropped it. 3 : fail: such as a : to lose control or effectiveness under pressure —often used with up The stress was so great that she started to crack up. b : to fail in tone His voice cracked. 4 : to go or travel at good speed —usually used with on The steamboat cracked on. transitive verb 1 a : to break so that fissures appear on the surface crack a mirror b : to break with a sudden sharp sound crack nuts 2 : to tell especially suddenly or strikingly crack a joke 3 : to strike with a sharp noise : rap then cracks him over the head cracked a two-run homer in the eighth 4 a(1) : to open (something, such as a bottle) for drinking (2) : to open (a book) for studying b : to puzzle out and expose, solve, or reveal the mystery of crack a code c : to break into crack a safe d : to open slightly crack the throttle e : to break through (something, such as a barrier) so as to gain acceptance or recognition … on track to crack Hollywood after landing a big screen role. f : to show or begin showing (a smile) especially reluctantly or uncharacteristically 5 a : to impair seriously or irreparably : wreck crack an opponent's courage b : to destroy the tone of (a voice) c : disorder, craze Worry had cracked his otherwise cheerful disposition. d : to interrupt sharply or abruptly The criticism cracked our complacency. 6 : to cause to make a sharp noise cracks his knuckles 7 a(1) : to subject (hydrocarbons) to cracking (2) : to produce by cracking cracked gasoline b : to break up (chemical compounds) into simpler compounds by means of heat crack 2 of 3noun1 a : a loud roll or peal a crack of thunder b : a sudden sharp noise the crack of rifle fire 2 : a sharp witty remark : quip 3 a : a narrow break : fissure a crack in the ice b : a narrow opening Leave the door open a crack. cracks between floorboards —used figuratively in phrases like fall through the cracks to describe one that has been improperly or inadvertently ignored or left out a player who fell through the cracks in the college draftChildren slipping through the cracks of available youth services. 4 a : a weakness or flaw caused by decay, age, or deficiency : unsoundness b : a broken tone of the voice c : crackpot 5 : moment, instant the crack of dawn 6 : housebreaking, burglary 7 : a sharp resounding blow gave him a crack on the head 8 : an attempt or opportunity to do something her first crack at writing a novel got first crack at the job opening 9 or crack cocaine : a potent form of cocaine that is obtained by treating the hydrochloride of cocaine with sodium bicarbonate to create small chips used illicitly for smoking crack 3 of 3adjective : of superior excellence or ability a crack marksman crack wise phraseas in joke to make jokes She's just cracking wise with the kids. Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
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