: a pump for exhausting air from a closed space or for compressing air or forcing it through other apparatus
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebSome of the more interesting names in this group, such as Antlia (the air pump), Fornax (the furnace) and Horologium (the pendulum clock) come from French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille in the 18thcentury and his fascination with science. Tim Newcomb, Popular Mechanics, 11 July 2022 When the driver of the suspect vehicle backed into a third vehicle waiting to use the air pump, the first suspect got out of the victim’s car.Fox News, 11 July 2022 Inflatable kayaks are the most popular form of compact kayak, using an air pump system that inflates the kayak. Chantae Reden, Popular Mechanics, 21 June 2022 The impressive pick comes with an air pump, a carrying backpack, a paddle, and a detachable ankle leash. Emily Belfiore, Travel + Leisure, 2 June 2022 The man was found behind the wheel of his car, parked at an air pump. Brian Lisik, cleveland, 7 Dec. 2021 Management at the 7/11, 8600 E. Ogden Ave., reported that sometime before 2:29 August 17, someone had stolen $400 from the coin tray of the air pump machine. Hank Beckman, chicagotribune.com, 23 Aug. 2021 This is how Air Brewing came about — a different brewing method which uses an air pump to brew coffee — up until now, all coffee makers had a water pump and a more simple brewing principle. John Greathouse, Forbes, 22 May 2021 Video released by the Montgomery County Department of Police shows a female driver park her car at approximately 9:30 a.m. on June 16 beside an air pump at a gas station located in the 8600 block of Georgia Avenue in Silver Spring, Maryland. Danielle Wallace, Fox News, 28 June 2021 See More