Recent Examples on the WebBy and large, they have not been adequately trained in how to recover from spins and the arguably larger imperative of airmanship. Kate Murphy, WSJ, 9 Sep. 2022 His account is definitive, unearthing details and insights from Murray and others that reveal the full extent of the event's unprecedented danger, as well as Murray and his crew's miraculous airmanship and extraordinary ingenuity. Eric Lindner, Popular Mechanics, 22 July 2021 Joining Wingfoot One at the air show will be aerobatic champion Michael Goulian, who will perform exercises in precision airmanship. Jennifer Conn, Akron Reporter,, 10 May 2018 As the trip with Bell demonstrates, the current air traffic control system is founded on the airmanship of pilots and communication with those who monitor controlled airspace. Joe Pappalardo, Popular Mechanics, 2 May 2018 The smallest lapse of focus or error in airmanship by the intercepting aircrew can have disastrous consequences. Dan Lamothe, Washington Post, 31 Jan. 2018