释义 |
: exhibiting, based on, or characterized by principle —often used in combination 1 as in honorable following the accepted rules of moral conduct a high-principled art expert who always told clients what he honestly thought their items were worth -
honorable -
ethical -
honest -
respectable -
noble -
decent -
righteous -
upstanding -
upright -
conscientious -
good -
moral -
respected -
just -
irreproachable -
unassailable -
blameless -
nice -
stand-up -
virtuous -
unimpeachable -
proper -
chivalrous -
high-minded -
polite -
scrupulous -
classy -
incorruptible -
guiltless -
right-minded -
reputable -
fair -
uncorrupted -
decorous -
seemly -
menschy -
unprincipled -
unjust -
dishonest -
dishonorable -
unworthy -
unethical -
ignoble -
low -
base -
criminal -
reprehensible -
immoral -
evil -
unrighteous -
bad -
roguish -
sinful -
nefarious -
mean -
crooked -
unfair -
iniquitous -
rotten -
unscrupulous -
corrupt -
wicked -
rascally -
vile -
villainous -
wretched -
culpable -
blameworthy -
knavish -
blamable -
censurable -
scoundrelly -
disgraceful -
shameful -
perverse -
venal -
loose -
dissolute -
blackguardly -
depraved -
degenerate -
perverted -
profligate -
libertine -
degraded -
demoralized -
debased -
debauched -
decadent -
dissipated -
disreputable -
reprobate See More 2 as in ethical guided by or in accordance with one's sense of right and wrong a politician widely respected for her principled behavior in every office she ever held -
honorable -
ethical -
moral -
conscientious -
honest -
responsible -
scrupulous -
good -
respectful -
worthy -
decent -
virtuous -
reliable -
conscionable -
true -
righteous -
just -
upright -
dutiful -
respected -
trustworthy -
right-minded -
solid -
observant -
upstanding -
straight -
reputable -
esteemed -
trusty -
law-abiding -
overconscientious -
tried-and-true -
unprincipled -
dishonest -
unjust -
dishonorable -
immoral -
unscrupulous -
unethical -
immoral -
evil -
unconscionable -
cutthroat -
wicked -
bad -
sinful -
indecent -
untrustworthy -
unrighteous -
unreliable -
dissolute -
depraved -
degenerate -
perverted -
debased -
corrupt -
debauched -
villainous -
vicious -
evil-minded -
infamous -
atrocious -
vile -
low -
base -
mean -
reprobate -
nefarious -
iniquitous See More |