Recent Examples on the WebThe prodrome phase can happen about 24 to 48 hours before the headache starts. Sara Gaynes Levy, SELF, 17 Nov. 2021 The second stage is the prodrome phase, where the person shows early symptoms and could be contagious. Michelle Shen, USA TODAY, 18 Nov. 2021 While not everyone experiences a prodrome with a seizure, those who do may be able to identify an oncoming seizure to better treat it. Patti Greco,, 18 Nov. 2021 Postdrome is more common than prodrome, with roughly 80% of people who deal with migraine getting to this stage. Sara Gaynes Levy, SELF, 17 Nov. 2021 Migraines can progress through four stages—prodrome, aura, attack, and post-drome—though not everyone feels symptoms at each stage. Hannah Dylan Pasternak, SELF, 7 Dec. 2020 There is the prodrome stage, which happens a few days before the onset of pain and can include constipation, yawning, food cravings and neck stiffness, according to the Mayo Clinic. Amy Marturana Winderl, SELF, 30 Dec. 2019 Migraines can follow a pattern that moves through four stages: prodrome, aura, headache, and post-drome (also called the migraine hangover), the Mayo Clinic says. Korin Miller, SELF, 12 July 2018 First up is the prodrome phase, which happens a day or two before the pain strikes, sounding the alarm that a migraine is coming. Zahra Barnes, SELF, 13 Jan. 2018 See More
Word History
French, literally, precursor, from Greek prodromos, from pro- before + dromos act of running, racecourse — more at pro-, dromedary