Recent Examples on the WebPlus, there are different types of retinoids that can work better for sensitive skin, including retinol, retinaldehyde, retinyl palmitate or retinyl propionate. Dori Price, Good Housekeeping, 29 Aug. 2022 Then comes the retinyl propionate, a retinoid that's not super common in skin-care products these days. Sarah Jacoby, SELF, 28 July 2021 Notably, feeding propionate instead of FOS induced similar effects, illustrating the importance of metabolites produced by the gut microbiome. Enea Rezzonico, Scientific American, 17 Feb. 2015 In doing so, athletes produce another compound, propionate, that might boost endurance. Emily Willingham, Scientific American, 24 June 2019 Unlike other retinol treatments, this budget-friendly moisturizer was specially formulated with a low dosage of both retinol and retinyl-propionate that’s safe to use daily. Braelyn Wood,, 23 Oct. 2019 These bacteria produce acetate, propionate and butyrate as metabolic endpoints. Enea Rezzonico, Scientific American, 17 Feb. 2015 The human body then utilizes that propionate to improve its exercise capacity, the center said in a statement. Martin Finucane,, 5 July 2019 Mice given propionate ran just as long as mice given Veillonella. Stephanie Demarco,, 25 June 2019 See More