Recent Examples on the WebAnd from 1982 to this moment, PCMag has witnessed and chronicled so many rises and falls that our oeuvre resembles a cultural seismogram.PCMAG, 27 July 2022 The difference between any two whole magnitude numbers — say a 4 and a 5 — is a tenfold increase in amplitude as measured on a seismogram, according to the USGS. Ben Brasch, ajc, 18 June 2022 The characteristic cultural fingerprints of some cities are notable by their absence on seismograms. Robin George Andrews, New York Times, 8 Apr. 2020 Her wavelets have helped geologists analyze seismograms and neuroscientists read MRI images of brain activity. Elizabeth Winkler, WSJ, 24 Jan. 2020 By placing a pen on the weight and paper on the frame scientists can see the relative motion of the weight and frame through the markings, which create a seismogram. Ben Finio, Scientific American, 22 Aug. 2019 Originally, the definition of magnitude related to seismograms, in which machines used an ink stylus to record rapid motions on a rolling drum of paper that would measure shaking. Rong-gong Lin Ii,, 4 July 2019 Magnitude was about how big the waves were on a seismogram at a particular distance from the epicenter. Rong-gong Lin Ii,, 4 July 2019 See More