释义 |
1 b : cleft so that the divisions reach nearly but not quite to the base —usually used in combination a 3-parted corolla as in severed -
severed -
sundered -
divided -
split -
dissevered -
resolved -
disjoined -
divorced -
dissociated -
disunited -
unyoked -
ramified -
uncoupled -
broken up -
away -
removed -
discontinuous -
apart -
far -
farthest -
noncontinuous -
faraway -
distant -
detached -
isolate -
disconnected -
isolated -
discrete -
unlinked -
unconnected -
far-off -
unattached -
separate -
remote -
single -
nonadjacent -
noncontiguous -
free-standing -
adjacent -
joining -
adjoining -
contiguous -
juxtaposed -
touching -
joined -
neighboring -
abutting -
close -
flanking -
flush -
conterminous -
near -
closest -
fringing -
nearby -
nearest -
nigh -
immediate -
united -
approximate -
skirting -
connected -
attached -
bordering -
verging -
linked -
connecting -
communicating -
next-door -
interconnecting See More past tense of part 1 as in separated to go or move in different directions from a central point after traveling together for three weeks, we parted at Rome -
separated -
diverged -
forked -
divided -
retreated -
scattered -
spread -
dispersed -
dispelled -
disbanded -
dissipated -
distributed -
branched (out) -
receded -
sowed -
distanced -
broadcast -
cleared out -
bestrewed -
broadcasted -
broke up -
joined -
met -
gathered -
converged -
assembled 2 as in departed to leave a place often for another parted with great ceremony but with little preparation for the dangers that lay ahead -
departed -
exited -
moved -
went -
got -
fled -
started -
escaped -
flew -
quitted -
bailed -
withdrew -
quit -
evacuated -
retreated -
scarpered -
got off -
booked -
vamoosed -
ran along -
dug out -
cut out -
pulled out -
went off -
walked out -
retired -
cleared out -
cleared off -
beat it -
peeled off -
pushed off -
bailed out -
emigrated -
pushed on -
bugged out -
took off -
skipped -
deserted -
set out -
stepped (along) -
buggered off -
removed -
took a powder -
pulled stakes -
sallied (forth) -
pulled up stakes -
took a hike -
packed (up or off) -
bugged off -
decamped -
forsook -
absconded -
hit the road -
abandoned -
ran away -
took a walk -
shoved (off) -
got out -
buzzed (off) -
struck out -
lit -
went out -
vacated -
stepped out -
piked (out or off) -
scrammed -
scatted -
adjourned -
mizzled -
lighted out -
came -
arrived -
remained -
stayed -
approached -
dwelt -
settled -
closed -
turned up -
lodged -
neared -
reached -
tarried -
dwelled -
abided -
landed -
abode -
showed up -
hit See More 3 as in divided to set or force apart parted the prongs with pliers -
separated -
divided -
split -
disconnected -
severed -
sundered -
resolved -
dissevered -
pulled -
divorced -
disjoined -
dissociated -
disassociated -
disunited -
unyoked -
uncoupled -
ramified -
isolated -
detached -
dissected -
cleaved -
unlinked -
subdivided -
broke up -
decomposed -
disjointed -
decoupled -
dissolved -
tore -
disintegrated -
partitioned -
bisected -
ripped -
fragmented -
broke -
cleft -
halved -
quartered -
rifted -
disassembled -
bifurcated -
segmented -
untied -
fractured -
fractionated -
trisected -
broke down -
rived -
unraveled -
segregated -
fragmentated -
rent -
disentangled -
fractionalized -
cut off -
ruptured -
fragmentized -
dichotomized -
rended -
insulated -
sequestered -
secluded -
disengaged -
joined -
united -
mingled -
linked -
associated -
combined -
unified -
mixed -
assembled -
connected -
blended -
bound -
coupled -
closed -
attached -
blent -
fastened -
stuck -
cemented -
fused -
welded -
accumulated -
knit -
knitted -
agglutinated See More 4 as in fell to stop living before I part, I hope I have the opportunity to say my good-byes -
fell -
died -
departed -
perished -
ended -
disappeared -
exited -
went -
expired -
succumbed -
demised -
deceased -
faded -
stepped out -
passed away -
croaked -
popped off -
checked out -
bought it -
dropped -
flatlined -
kicked off -
snuffed it -
pegged out -
kicked in -
gave up the ghost -
passed (on) -
bit the dust -
bought the farm -
kicked the bucket -
predeceased -
failed -
conked (out) -
consumed -
dried up -
lived -
breathed -
lingered -
revived -
came to -
was -
existed -
prospered -
flourished -
subsisted -
thrived -
throve See More |