: a long-lived dry cell with an alkaline electrolyte that decreases corrosion of the cell
called alsoalkaline cell
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebThe global alkaline battery market is predicted to reach $11 billion by 2028. Ori Mor, Forbes, 19 July 2022 For example, an alkaline battery, or cell, contains zinc, manganese dioxide, and potassium hydroxide. Manasee Wagh, Popular Mechanics, 13 May 2022 There was the light bulb and the phonograph, of course, but also the kinetoscope, the dictating machine, the alkaline battery, and the electric meter. Casey Cep, The New Yorker, 21 Oct. 2019 And the other part of his battery is lithium cobalt oxide, which pulls electrons much more powerfully than manganese oxide – which gives his battery the ability to store much more energy in the same amount of space than an alkaline battery. Robert Masse, The Conversation, 15 July 2019 My old PalmPilot used two AAA alkaline batteries that just pop out.Anchorage Daily News, 12 Sep. 2018 And note that lithium-ion batteries aren’t the same as the alkaline batteries that typically go into toys and other devices that don’t need really small, energy-dense batteries. Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY, 18 May 2018 One of Ionic Materials's key investors told WIRED's Steven Levy last year that the company is trying to combine the best aspects of the low-cost alkaline batteries with power and rechargeable nature of lithium ion. Lauren Goode, WIRED, 22 May 2018 Not accepted: light bulbs, alkaline batteries, smoke detectors, large appliances, exercise equipment. Laura Groch, sandiegouniontribune.com, 14 Sep. 2017 See More