: a nontransferable registered U.S. bond issued in denominations of $50 to $10,000
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebAnd last month so many people rushed to TreasuryDirect to purchase the government savings bond that the website crashed. Michelle Singletary, Washington Post, 22 June 2022 Her crayon likeness of the Liberty Bell, its crack intact and with a rainbow overhead, won a $100 savings bond. Mike Klingaman, Baltimore Sun, 29 June 2022 In the subsequent naming contest, Tracy Reed, a student at nearby Northwood Elementary, submitted the winning entry and won a $50 savings bond. David Reamer, Anchorage Daily News, 19 June 2022 The only risk-free savings product that will keep up with inflation is the Series I savings bond (I bond), which is available from the U.S. Treasury via the TreasuryDirect website.CBS News, 17 Mar. 2022 Pederson operates a savings bond consulting firm out of Monroe and has a website called BondHelper.com. Susan Tompor, oregonlive, 4 July 2021 Pederson operates a savings bond consulting firm out of Monroe and has a website called BondHelper.com. Susan Tompor, oregonlive, 4 July 2021 Some savings bond records haven’t been uploaded to the site yet.BostonGlobe.com, 22 Oct. 2021 Now, the humble paper savings bond has become so forgotten that the Treasury Department says 80 million of them, worth a total of $29 billion, have fully matured but have not been redeemed.BostonGlobe.com, 25 Oct. 2021 See More