

单词 quieted


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qui·​et ˈkwī-ət How to pronounce quiet (audio)
: the quality or state of being quiet (see quiet entry 2) : tranquility


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: free from noise or uproar : still
a quiet room
The lights went down and the theater became quiet.
: making or involving no noise or very little noise
a quiet motor
a quiet conversation
Everyone suddenly went quiet.
Please be quiet—people are trying to study.
: tending to speak very little : not loquacious
He was a quiet, reserved person.
: unobtrusive, conservative
quiet clothes/colors
: marked by little or no motion or activity : calm
a quiet sea
At such an early hour, the streets seemed strangely quiet.
: gentle, easygoing
a quiet temperament
: not disturbed by noise or activity
quiet reading
a moment of quiet contemplation
: enjoyed in peace and relaxation
a quiet cup of tea
: secluded
a quiet nook
: carried out secretly or discreetly
quiet diplomacy
: not made known openly or publicly
worked with quiet determination
She had a quiet confidence about her.
He took a quiet satisfaction in a job well done.
quietly adverb
quietness noun


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: in a quiet manner
an engine that runs quiet


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quieted; quieting; quiets

transitive verb

: to cause to be quiet : calm
: to make secure by freeing from dispute or question
quiet title to a property

intransitive verb

: to become quiet
usually used with down
on the quiet
: in a secretive manner : in secret



  • calm
  • calmness
  • hush
  • peace
  • peacefulness
  • placidity
  • quietness
  • quietude
  • repose
  • restfulness
  • sereneness
  • serenity
  • still
  • stillness
  • tranquillity
  • tranquility


  • arcadian
  • calm
  • hushed
  • peaceful
  • placid
  • restful
  • serene
  • still
  • stilly
  • tranquil


  • motionlessly
  • quietly
  • still


  • calm (down)
  • chill out [slang]
  • cool
  • hush
  • pipe down
  • settle (down)
See all Synonyms & Antonyms

Example Sentences

Noun My hostess told me she had some records I might like to hear and she called for quiet in the room. People sat down on the floor in groups, sharing bottles of wine and slivovitz. The host put the record on a windup record player and Lester Young's saxophone yowled out of the silence. Maya Angelou, Gourmet, November 2002 When my parents needed peace and quiet, they didn't put me in front of the television to watch a "Baby Einstein" video; they plopped me in a chair to watch my mom do housework or cook. Robb Moretti, Newsweek, 5 Aug. 2002 the quiet of a wooded trail Can I have some quiet here? I'm trying to study. I need a little peace and quiet. Adjective Breakfast at the Royal Bombay Yacht Club, a members-only institution founded in the city now called Mumbai in 1846 by British colonial officers, is a meal of quiet elegance. The second-story veranda looks out over a small garden and, beyond that, the Gateway of India and the Taj Mahal Hotel. Outside is the tumult of horse-drawn carriages, touts, and taxis. Inside is peaceful stillness, broken only by the sounds of crunched-on toast and rustling newspapers. Lyla Bavadam, Saveur, October 2008 One change I notice is that I get sleepy earlier than I used to, sometimes by 8:30 or 9 if I am having a quiet evening at home. Andrew Weil, Time, 17 Oct. 2005 I interviewed Virginia, who is totally blind, in a small local library. Walking with her guide dog, this young-looking woman arrived soon after I came in. We found a quiet corner to sit and talk while her dog settled beside her chair. At forty-three, Virginia was used to telling her story and found time for our interview in her busy travel schedule. She had just returned from San Francisco where she had spoken at the California Academy of Sciences and was about to leave for Montreal, Canada, to conduct workshops in diversity awareness. Mary Grimley Mason, Working Against Odds, 2004 Attributing their behaviors to their personal dispositions, we decide Julie is shy and Jack is outgoing. Because people do have enduring personality traits, such attributions are sometimes valid. However, we often overestimate the influence of personality and underestimate the influence of situations. In class, Jack may be as quiet as Julie. Catch Julie at a party and you may hardly recognize your quiet classmate. David G. Myers, Psychology, 2001 the quiet hum of the refrigerator He spoke in a very quiet voice. Surprisingly, the class was quiet. He's a very quiet person. She has a quiet disposition. During the morning, business was quiet. Some days at the store are quieter than others. a quiet stretch of road He led a quiet life. Adverb lie quiet and no one will guess you're hiding under the bed Verb Clemens had few questions to answer about Piazza. The beanball and broken bat from 2000, and the Mets' tepid retaliation last season, were memories. And since Clemens recorded his 300th victory on June 13, the buzz around him has quieted. Tyler Kepner, New York Times, 29 June 2003 When she walked down the hall past his classroom, the sounds of chaos came over the frosted-glass pane above the door. She had taken to making random visits; the sight of her in the doorway quieted the kids. Mary Gordon, Atlantic, May 1999 Even with that, Presser was so scared that he fled to Florida and moved from hotel to hotel till the gang war quieted down, with his side on top. A. H. Raskin, New York Times Book Review, 10 Dec. 1989 the museum docent told the rowdy youngsters to quiet down for the tour quiet a crying toddler with candy See More
Recent Examples on the Web
Knight and Rodriguez join a growing list of pop culture figures who have kept their nuptial news quiet. Los Angeles Times, 26 Aug. 2022 But the agency kept its final decision quiet, leaders of the environmental groups said. Darryl Fears, Anchorage Daily News, 19 Aug. 2022 The electric version doubles-down the quiet with an elaborate noise-canceling system that mutes the over-the-road reality to a deafening silence. Dan Neil, WSJ, 11 Aug. 2022 To look at a full moon is to look for fullness in yourself, a glowing quiet in the spirit. Gala Mukomolova, refinery29.com, 14 July 2022 Air purifiers can cause quite the commotion, but this Blueair—one of our top picks—is whisper quiet on its low setting. Julian Chokkattu, Wired, 13 July 2022 Among the serene dog walkers and early morning joggers in the post-dawn quiet of Baltimore’s Patterson Park, a high school football team practices. Hayes Gardner, Baltimore Sun, 25 Aug. 2022 From the quiet of Cyrpto.com Arena, Griner’s Phoenix Mercury teammates wonder whether anybody is listening. Los Angeles Times, 5 July 2022 In the quiet between shooting rounds, crickets chirped from the thickets of bamboo outside. Los Angeles Times, 26 May 2022
Amateur videos as well as witness accounts have shown no evidence of militants in the vicinity and the area appeared to be quiet for several minutes before she was shot. Josef Federman, USA TODAY, 7 Sep. 2022 Abston, dressed in a green jumpsuit and black mask, was quiet as the judge spoke. CBS News, 7 Sep. 2022 Amateur videos as well as witness accounts have shown no evidence of militants in the vicinity and the area appeared to be quiet for several minutes before she was shot. Josef Federman, Anchorage Daily News, 6 Sep. 2022 Amateur videos as well as witness accounts have shown no evidence of militants in the vicinity and the area appeared to be quiet for several minutes before she was shot. Josef Federman, ajc, 5 Sep. 2022 In addition, the craft is quiet and maneuvers swiftly through the water. Patrick Connolly, Orlando Sentinel, 4 Sep. 2022 One vendor, a young woman called Kim, says that things have been quiet and business has been slower. Mukelwa Hlatshwayo, The Christian Science Monitor, 2 Sep. 2022 Interactions with my roommates mostly took the form of them yelling at me to be quiet. Los Angeles Times, 1 Sep. 2022 Oliver, who was quiet in training camp and had five catches for 58 yards in the preseason, at one point seemed behind even Tony Poljan in the Ravens’ pecking order at tight end. Jonas Shaffer, Baltimore Sun, 30 Aug. 2022
The emergence of the quiet-quitting phenomenon isn't a fluke, experts say. Aimee Picchi, CBS News, 24 Aug. 2022 Some of the same companies staying quiet now have spoken up on human-rights issues in other parts of the world. Georgi Kantchev, WSJ, 23 Jan. 2022 This quiet-running progressive resistance bike trainer that offers a road-like feel is once again our top choice for the best model. Allen Foster, chicagotribune.com, 25 Sep. 2020 The Stadio San Paolo, Napoli's famed crumbling colosseum, erupted as Mertens headed home from Adrian's save, only to fall quiet after seeing the linesman's flag raised for an obvious offside. Matias Grez, CNN, 17 Sep. 2019 Then, at some random moment, the atom goes quiet, signaling that the atom has entered the dark state. Chris Lee, Ars Technica, 5 June 2019 When the sun is up, the city center is crowded, but the streets empty as night falls, quiet except for the occasional sound of gunfire and rockets exploding on the outskirts of town. Najim Rahim, David Jolly And Ahmad Shakib, New York Times, 6 Feb. 2016 The boat goes quiet except for the occasional flap of the sail. Chris Jones, Esquire, 15 Sep. 2010
Ohio man wakes up from coma after suffering 20,000 bee stings. Feel the urge to 'quiet quit'? Laura L. Davis, USA TODAY, 1 Sep. 2022 Paddle through the wavy Salish Sea to quiet beaches and set up camp right next to the water. Outside Online, 20 June 2021 Decades ago, the city invested in engineering technology to quiet the horns. Alixel Cabrera, The Salt Lake Tribune, 29 Aug. 2022 As athlete activism grows, some fans are calling bitterly for folks like Diggins, Caldwell, Anker, and Henderson to stay in their lanes and quiet down. Christine Peterson, Outside Online, 26 Aug. 2022 Better Watch Out is a twisted tale centered around Ashley, a babysitter who travels to quiet suburbia over the holidays to watch over 12-year-old Luke. Leah Campano, Seventeen, 12 Aug. 2022 Around midnight, the teeming streets of New York’s SoHo district, lined with art galleries, boutiques, bars, and restaurants, finally begin to quiet down—except for the streets near one particular block. John Howell, ELLE Decor, 11 Aug. 2022 Over the weekend, in an attempt to quiet things down, Mr. Springsteen’s camp gave Ticketmaster permission to release some numbers. New York Times, 26 July 2022 Tonight: Some storms could linger into the evening, but after sunset, things quiet down and skies clear. David Streit, Washington Post, 21 July 2022 See More

Word History



Middle English quiet, quiete, borrowed from Anglo-French quiete, borrowed from Latin quiēt-, quiēs "repose, sleep, rest, peaceful conditions," going back to Indo-European *kwi̯eh1-ti-, noun derivative of a verbal base *kwi̯eh1- "have a rest," whence Avestan š́iiā- "be glad," Old Church Slavic počijǫ, počiti "to have a rest" (causative pokojǫ, pokoiti "to calm, quiet"), Armenian hangeaw "has rested," and (from deverbal *kwi̯eh1-to-) Avestan š́iiāta- "peaceful, happy," Old Persian šiyāta-, Latin quiētus "at rest, quiet entry 2"


Middle English quyet, quyete, quiete, borrowed from Anglo-French & Middle French quiete, borrowed from Latin quiētus "at rest, inactive, peaceful" — more at quiet entry 1


derivative of quiet entry 2


Middle English quieten, borrowed from Late Latin quiētāre "to become quiet, make quiet, put to rest," derivative of Latin quiētus "at rest, quiet entry 2"

First Known Use


14th century, in the meaning defined above


14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 2b


1573, in the meaning defined above


14th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1

Kids Definition

quiet 1 of 4


qui·​et ˈkwī-ət How to pronounce quiet (audio)
: the quality or state of being calm or without noise
Can we please have some quiet?


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quieter; quietest
: free from noise or uproar
One step, two steps, onward they went … down that long, long quiet room. Jeanne Birdsall, The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy
: marked by little or no motion or activity : calm
quiet seas
: not disturbed : peaceful
a quiet lunch
: tending not to talk or show excitement much
a quiet child
a quiet disposition
: not shown in an obvious way
quiet determination
: away from public view : secluded
a quiet corner


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: in a quiet manner : quietly The engine runs quiet.


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quieted; quieting
: to make or become calmer or less noisy
She tried to quiet the crowd.

Legal Definition

quiet 1 of 2


: free from disturbance, interference, or dispute (as from an adverse claim)
quiet enjoyment of property


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transitive verb

: to establish or make (title) secure by means of an action that produces a final determination of the respective rights of parties who are in dispute over property compare cloud on title

quieted 1 of 2


as in hushed
mostly or entirely without sound one could hear a pin drop in the quieted concert hall as conductor raised his baton

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • hushed
  • silent
  • quiet
  • calm
  • still
  • muted
  • noiseless
  • serene
  • soundless
  • peaceful
  • tranquil
  • peaceable
  • stilly

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • noisy
  • unquiet
  • boisterous
  • uproarious
  • clamorous
  • raucous
  • roaring
  • rackety
  • tumultuous
  • clattering
  • clangorous
  • roistering
  • clattery
  • rip-roaring
See More


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past tense of quiet
as in cooled
to become still and orderly the museum docent told the rowdy youngsters to quiet down for the tour

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • cooled
  • hushed
  • cooled it
  • relaxed
  • calmed (down)
  • chilled out
  • piped down
  • settled (down)
  • dried up
  • tranquilized
  • tranquillized
  • unwound
  • zoned out

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • cut up
  • fooled around
  • skylarked
  • acted up
  • horsed around
  • clowned (around)
  • carried on
  • monkeyed (around)
  • showed off
See More
as in calmed
to free from distress or disturbance quiet a crying toddler with candy

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • calmed
  • soothed
  • lulled
  • composed
  • appeased
  • quietened
  • stilled
  • relaxed
  • settled
  • tranquilized
  • quelled
  • salved
  • hushed
  • tranquillized
  • becalmed
  • relieved
  • eased
  • placated
  • pacified
  • mollified
  • allayed
  • lullabied
  • alleviated
  • conciliated
  • assuaged
  • mitigated
  • solaced
  • stupefied
  • laid
  • sedated
  • narcotized

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • disturbed
  • upset
  • agitated
  • perturbed
  • vexed
  • intensified
  • aggravated
  • keyed (up)
  • heightened
  • disquieted
  • roused
  • aroused
  • excited
  • discomposed
  • incited
  • vext
  • stirred (up)
  • fomented
  • worked up
See More
as in shushed
to stop the noise or speech of the nanny could quiet unruly children with just a look

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • shushed
  • silenced
  • hushed
  • muted
  • stilled
  • settled
  • quelled
  • quietened
  • extinguished
  • squelched
  • shut up
  • dumbed

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • stirred
  • agitated




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