Recent Examples on the WebDogs experience both slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement sleep (REM). Anna Kaufman, USA TODAY, 21 Aug. 2022 Yet even that tiny amount of light created a deficit of slow wave and rapid eye movement sleep, the stages of slumber in which most cellular renewal occurs, Zee said. Sandee Lamotte, CNN, 14 Mar. 2022 The two most important phases for restoration are the dreamy state of REM, or rapid eye movement sleep, and delta, or slow-wave, sleep, according to Rebecca Robbins, an associate scientist at Brigham & Women's Hospital who studies sleep. Sandee Lamotte, CNN, 14 Mar. 2021 The field of sleep research was launched nearly 75 years ago, after the discovery of rapid eye movement sleep (REM) upended the prevailing belief that sleep was a passive state. Corryn Wetzel, Smithsonian Magazine, 18 Sep. 2020 Stages three and four contain the deepest, most restorative sleep and the dreamy state of REM, or rapid eye movement sleep. Sandee Lamotte, CNN, 25 June 2020 Get ready to spoon and snuggle with your spouse, partner or loved one all night long — a new study has found couples who sleep together in the same bed improve their dream stage of rest, known as rapid eye movement sleep. Sandee Lamotte, CNN, 25 June 2020 Barrett: Our dreams occur predominantly, but not solely, in rapid eye movement sleep. Cnn Staff, CNN, 1 May 2020 This enables us to spend adequate time in the stages of sleep known as nonrapid eye movement sleep (NREM) and rapid eye movement sleep (REM). Steven Bender, Quartz, 7 June 2019 See More