Recent Examples on the WebThe presenter, master rosarian Dona Martin, told us that rose plants grafted on Fortuniana rootstock grow larger than roses grafted on Dr. Huey or on their own root. Rita Perwich, San Diego Union-Tribune, 4 June 2022 Admission is free, RSVP to South Coast Rose Society hosts a rose Q&A with answers from a panel of the club’s consulting rosarians (rose experts), 7 p.m. at the South Coast Botanic Garden, 26300 Crenshaw Blvd.Los Angeles Times, 4 Oct. 2019 The blooms that have inspired excitement among local rosarians have a backstory known only to a few. Jeanette Marantos,, 25 June 2019 The Bee’s Debbie Arrington is a consulting rosarian and lifelong gardener;, 916-321-1075, @debarrington. Debbie Arrington, sacbee, 30 Mar. 2018 The Bee’s Debbie Arrington is a consulting rosarian and lifelong gardener;, 916-321-1075, @debarrington. Debbie Arrington, sacbee, 30 Mar. 2018 The Bee’s Debbie Arrington is a consulting rosarian and lifelong gardener;, 916-321-1075, @debarrington. Debbie Arrington, sacbee, 30 Mar. 2018 Master consulting rosarian Baldo Villegas, who grows thousands of bushes at his Orangevale home, has heard that plea for help over and over this spring. Debbie Arrington, sacbee, 4 May 2018 The Bee’s Debbie Arrington is a consulting rosarian and lifelong gardener;, 916-321-1075, @debarringtonGarden questions? Debbie Arrington, sacbee, 9 Feb. 2018 See More