释义 |
plural of small-timer as in lightweights -
lightweights -
underlings -
subordinates -
inferiors -
half-pints -
nobodies -
zeroes -
zeros -
magnates -
barons -
tycoons -
kings -
lords -
moguls -
princes -
captains -
heavyweights -
heavies -
czars -
bigwigs -
lions -
monarchs -
tsars -
notables -
biggies -
nabobs -
big guns -
figures -
big wheels -
honchos -
big boys -
tzars -
supremos -
kahunas -
personages -
fat cats -
superstars -
big shots -
celebrities -
nawabs -
main men -
personalities -
stars -
pooh-bahs -
bigfeet -
Napoleons -
big cheeses -
poo-bahs -
bigfoots -
VIPs -
movers and shakers See More |