: a computer program in its original programming language (such as FORTRAN or C) before translation into object code usually by a compiler
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebWhile none of the banking apps themselves created the SDK, the credentials exposed its server structure and infrastructure blueprints, source code, and the AI models underlying the identity service.WIRED, 2 Sep. 2022 LastPass, which is being spun off from software company GoTo, said the attackers stole some of the source code to its system and other technical information. Aaron Pressman, BostonGlobe.com, 26 Aug. 2022 Open-source code and healthy grant programs from the world’s leading blockchain networks, such as Hedera or Solana, exemplify how welcoming Web3 is to builders. Solo Ceesay, Rolling Stone, 16 Aug. 2022 MoonRay uses DreamWorks’ distributed computation framework, Arras, also to be included in the open-source code base. Carolyn Giardina, The Hollywood Reporter, 5 Aug. 2022 Open-source developers make software available free of charge, allowing programmers to modify and share the underlying source code, and create their own apps. Angus Loten, WSJ, 28 June 2022 In recent months there’s been a rise in supply chain attacks against open source code, which makes up key parts of thousands of apps and services.Wired, 15 Aug. 2022 Then, a few days later, the source code for the Conti ransomware encryptor, decryptor, and builder was leaked as well.PCMAG, 11 Aug. 2022 This design is part of the open source code created by the anonymous entity, known as Satoshi Nakamoto, who launched bitcoin in 2009.CBS News, 22 Apr. 2022 See More