Recent Examples on the WebThe key longer term for Moscow is whether recruiting efforts bear fruit and whether another 150,000 to 180,000 troops can be brought into its standing army. Stephen Fidler, WSJ, 19 May 2022 And few want to risk losing the largest standing army within NATO after the US, especially one that also commands the strategic Bosporus and access to the Black Sea. David A. Andelman, CNN, 16 May 2022 Finland can raise a standing army of 280,000 troops in days, and has a total of 900,000 reservists, comprising one of the largest armed forces in Europe on a per-capita basis. Sune Engel Rasmussen, WSJ, 4 May 2022 What’s more, Ukraine’s standing army is just a quarter of Russia’s, and its air force, less than a tenth. Valerie Morkevicius, The Conversation, 5 Mar. 2022 The founders fought bitterly over whether a standing army should exist at all, enacted civilian control over the military in the Constitution, and passed an amendment barring quartering of troops. Jill Goldenziel, Forbes, 23 Dec. 2021 Building a standing army of three hundred thousand in a country that has been shattered by more than forty consecutive years of war and whose economy is almost entirely dependent on external aid—that just doesn’t work. Isaac Chotiner, The New Yorker, 15 Aug. 2021 The standing army of lawyers, accountants, and other providers dedicated to manning the ramparts against any audits, any inquiries, or any efforts at upholding a democratic taxation system. Casey Michel, The New Republic, 4 Nov. 2021 Eritrea has a vast standing army which the United States' CIA puts at 200,000 personnel. Reuters And Eoin Mcsweeney, CNN, 15 Nov. 2020 See More