单词 | storm |
释义 | storm1 of 2noun ˈstȯrm plural storms often attributive 1 a : a disturbance of the atmosphere marked by wind and usually by rain, snow, hail, sleet, or thunder and lightning b : a heavy fall of rain, snow, or hail c(1) : wind having a speed of 64 to 72 miles (103 to 117 kilometers) per hour (2) : whole gale see Beaufort Scale Table d : a serious disturbance of any element of nature 2 : a disturbed or agitated state storms of emotion : a sudden or violent commotion 3 : a heavy discharge of objects (such as missiles) 4 : a tumultuous outburst a storm of protests 5 a : paroxysm sense 2 b : a sudden heavy influx or onset c medicine : the sudden and often dangerous onset, increase, or worsening of the symptoms of a disease see also cytokine storm, thyroid storm 6 : a violent assault on a defended position 7 storms plural : storm window storm 2 of 2verb stormed; storming; storms intransitive verb 1 a : to blow with violence b : to rain, hail, snow, or sleet vigorously 2 : to attack by storm stormed ashore at zero hour 3 : to be in or to exhibit a violent passion : rage storming at the unusual delay 4 : to rush about or move impetuously, violently, or angrily the mob stormed through the streets transitive verb : to attack, take, or win over by storm storm a fort storm 1 of 2 noun1 as in thunderstorm a disturbance of the atmosphere accompanied by wind and often by precipitation (as rain or snow) a winter storm bringing about six inches of snow Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
2 as in barrage a heavy fall of objects police had to endure a storm of rocks and bricks hurled by the rioters Synonyms & Similar Words
3 as in flurry a rapid or overwhelming outpouring of many things at once the army's spokesperson faced a storm of questions from reporters Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
4 as in commotion a state of noisy, confused activity a few minutes of calm before the storm, when the store would open its doors on the busiest day of the year Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
5 as in rain a steady falling of water from the sky in significant quantity the storm caused major damage to our barn Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
6 as in explosion a sudden intense expression of strong feeling a storm of indignation and demands for his resignation arose when the mayor's dishonesty was exposed Synonyms & Similar Words
7 as in upheaval a violent disturbance (as of the political or social order) civil wars and other storms of unrest swept through the African continent Synonyms & Similar Words
storm 2 of 2verb1 as in to rage to express one's anger usually violently the chef spent the morning storming at his staff about the ruined sauces Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
2 as in to rain to fall as water in a continuous stream of drops from the clouds it storms so frequently up in the mountains that the peaks are rarely visible from the valley below Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
3 as in to attack to take sudden, violent action against the pirates stormed the ship, easily taking the whole crew as their prisoners Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
4 as in to steam to be excited or emotionally stirred up with anger by the time we arrived, our hostess was storming because dinner was ruined Synonyms & Similar Words
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