: a category in biological classification ranking below a genus and above a species
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebThese are a subgenus of betacoronaviruses, to which the SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV species of virus belong. William A. Haseltine, Forbes, 6 Oct. 2021 The subgenus first emerged more than a hundred million years ago and lived until at least 93 million years ago; scientists can even use the presence of its fossils to help estimate the age of marine sediments. Michael Greshko, National Geographic, 13 May 2019 For this drug research, the scientists are homing in on the subgenus Conus asprella, which includes six different species. Elaina Zachos, National Geographic, 5 Dec. 2017 Fossils belonging to another subgenus of Metrosideros, also discovered in Tasmania, were shown to be about 35 million years old. Brigit Katz, Smithsonian, 23 June 2017 No doubt other new genera will be carved out from Sedum, and quite likely one of these will be the Mexican subgenus Pachysedum. Brian Kemble, The Mercury News, 18 Jan. 2017 Fossils belonging to another subgenus of Metrosideros, also discovered in Tasmania, were shown to be about 35 million years old. Brigit Katz, Smithsonian, 24 June 2017 See More
Word History
New Latin
First Known Use
1699, in the meaning defined above
Medical Definition
sub·ge·nus ˈsəb-ˌjē-nəs
plural subgenera -ˌjen-ər-ə
: a category in biological classification ranking below a genus and above a species