Recent Examples on the WebThere are three types of runners based on foot strike: overpronators (your feet roll inward too much), neutral pronators (feet roll inward slightly) and supinators (feet don’t roll inward enough, so most of the impact is on the outside of the foot). Danika Worthington, The Denver Post, 25 Mar. 2017
Word History
New Latin, from Latin supinare
First Known Use
1615, in the meaning defined above
Medical Definition
su·pi·na·tor ˈsü-pə-ˌnāt-ər
: a muscle that produces the motion of supination
specifically: a deeply situated muscle of the forearm that arises in two layers from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and adjacent parts of the ligaments and bones of the elbow and that passes over the head of the radius to insert into its neck and the lateral surface of its shaft