: temporary military service away from one's permanent duty station
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebThe Biden-Harris Administration's executive order also includes temporary duty-free importation of solar cells and modules from Southeast Asia to avoid disruptions to the electric power system. Stephanie Mlot, PCMAG, 7 June 2022 Additionally, the money seeks to support U.S. troop deployments on NATO territory, covering the costs of U.S. personnel's transportation and equipment, temporary duty, special pay, airlift and medical support.BostonGlobe.com, 29 Apr. 2022 This includes deployment, field training, temporary duty assignments, etc. Monica Dunn, ABC News, 22 Apr. 2022 Scott applied for temporary duty with a new unit -- Patrol Forces Mediterranean, which included eight 110-foot patrol boats, four to be deployed to the Persian Gulf and four to the Mediterranean.cleveland, 11 Sep. 2021 Between October 2011 and July 2012, State deployed, on temporary duty, 220 consular officers to Brazil (a 253% increase over the number of temporary officers sent the previous fiscal year) and 48 officers to China (a 60% increase). Stuart Anderson, Forbes, 19 Apr. 2021 Adding to the confusion: The Pentagon has historically failed to count up to hundreds of troops actually on the ground, including some special operations forces and personnel on temporary duty for only a few months. Lolita C. Baldor, Star Tribune, 16 Nov. 2020 This includes domestic travel, permanent change of station and temporary duty.NBC News, 14 Mar. 2020 Last summer, people at the court waded through excrement until some Air Force engineers on temporary duty at Guantánamo hammered together wooden pallets for people to walk on. Carol Rosenberg, New York Times, 9 Feb. 2020 See More