Recent Examples on the WebAccording to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s anadromous waters catalog, 124 streams cross the forested parcels transferred from the Forest Service to outside stakeholders, like the Mental Health Trust.Anchorage Daily News, 29 Apr. 2022 The anadromous side is reflected in the Cross Turismo's ability to effortlessly navigate a variety of terrain. Derek Powell, Car and Driver, 21 Apr. 2022 Born in freshwater streams, these anadromous fish rely on a complicated journey down the river, through the estuary and finally out into the ocean.Los Angeles Times, 20 Dec. 2021 California is unique in having four separate annual pulses of anadromous (migrating from saltwater to freshwater) salmon in a single river.Star Tribune, 27 July 2021 In an effort to help combat the problem, the state will be releasing almost 17 million of the anadromous fish (those that live part of their lives in freshwater, part in the ocean) into the San Francisco Bay. Jordan Strickler, Forbes, 11 June 2021 Over the last 50 years, anadromous fish populations have declined significantly in California, Oregon and Washington.New York Times, 19 Apr. 2021 This 250-mile-long nook in the Bering Sea is largely undeveloped—an area the size of Iceland, riddled with lakes, streams and wetlands that provide some of the planet’s best habitat for anadromous fish. Miranda Weiss, Wired, 13 June 2020 The landmark structures will be modified with different technologies that are designed to allow the anadromous fish — which spend most of their lives at sea but spawn in fresh water — to swim over or around them and continue their journey upstream. Jon Hurdle, New York Times, 25 Feb. 2020 See More
Word History
Greek anadromos running upward, from anadramein to run upward, from ana- + dramein to run — more at dromedary