单词 | thinning |
释义 | thin1 of 3adjective ˈthin thinner; thinnest 1 a : having little extent from one surface to its opposite thin paper b : measuring little in cross section or diameter thin rope 2 : not dense in arrangement or distribution thin hair 3 : not well fleshed : lean 4 a : more fluid or rarefied than normal thin air b : having less than the usual number : scanty thin attendance c : few in number : scarce d : scantily supplied e : characterized by a paucity of bids or offerings a thin market 5 a : lacking substance or strength thin broth a thin plot b of a soil : infertile, poor 6 a : flimsy, unconvincing a thin disguise b : disappointingly poor or hard had a thin time of it 7 : somewhat feeble, shrill, and lacking in resonance a thin voice 8 : lacking in intensity or brilliance thin light 9 : lacking sufficient photographic density or contrast thinly adverb thinness ˈthin-nəs noun thinnish ˈthi-nish adjective thin 2 of 3verb thinned; thinning transitive verb : to make thin or thinner: a : to reduce in thickness or depth : attenuate b : to make less dense or viscous c : dilute, weaken d : to cause to lose flesh thinned by weeks of privation e : to reduce in number or bulk intransitive verb 1 : to become thin or thinner 2 : to become weak thin 3 of 3adverb thinner; thinnest : in a thin manner : thinly —used especially in combination thin-cladthin-flowing thinning verbas in diluting to alter (something) for the worse with the addition of foreign or lower-grade substances thinned the cream with milk but didn't tell anyone Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
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