释义 |
past tense of trash-talk as in dismissed to express scornfully one's low opinion of began to trash-talk the opposing players the minute they got on the field -
dismissed -
criticized -
minimized -
disparaged -
belittled -
diminished -
denigrated -
bad-mouthed -
decried -
denounced -
derogated -
discounted -
talked down -
disliked -
dissed -
trashed -
cried down -
scolded -
played down -
dumped on -
ran down -
condemned -
depreciated -
wrote off -
deprecated -
poor-mouthed -
vilipended -
discredited -
kissed off -
slandered -
abused -
maligned -
vilified -
put down -
disgraced -
discommended -
defamed -
censured -
reprehended -
ripped -
traduced -
slurred -
aspersed -
reprobated -
disapproved (of) -
praised -
applauded -
lauded -
extolled -
endorsed -
acclaimed -
favored -
exalted -
glorified -
approved -
recommended -
magnified -
sanctioned -
complimented -
indorsed -
commended -
countenanced -
eulogized See More |