释义 |
: fraudulently concocted : spurious trumped-up charges as in made-up -
made-up -
fabricated -
unproven -
fraudulent -
mendacious -
invented -
fictitious -
unconfirmed -
untested -
deceitful -
lying -
dishonest -
specious -
misleading -
illusory -
spurious -
fallacious -
delusive -
deceptive -
distorted -
erroneous -
delusory -
awry -
askew -
counterfactual -
untrue -
amiss -
inaccurate -
untruthful -
incorrect -
inexact -
false -
invalid -
wrong -
unsound -
off -
factual -
true -
proper -
valid -
correct -
exact -
accurate -
right -
precise -
sound -
demonstrated -
confirmed -
proven -
established -
veracious -
perfect -
tested -
errorless -
impeccable -
flawless -
faultless -
letter-perfect See More past tense of trump up as in devised to create or think of by clever use of the imagination parents who were always trumping up little projects for their children to do around the house -
devised -
concocted -
constructed -
invented -
drummed up -
vamped (up) -
designed -
excogitated -
came up with -
cooked (up) -
manufactured -
produced -
thought (up) -
contrived -
made up -
fabricated -
hatched -
conceived -
dreamed -
improvised -
envisioned -
imagined -
coined -
visualized -
envisaged -
fantasized -
dreamt -
daydreamed -
extemporized -
visioned -
pictured -
ad-libbed -
duplicated -
copied -
mimicked -
reproduced -
cloned -
imitated -
reduplicated -
replicated -
copycatted See More |