Recent Examples on the WebAt this point, Park turns the poster around to reveal a gloriously tacky art print of a Botero-esque chubby French chef, tuque and everything. Rebecca Alter, Vulture, 2 Jan. 2021 But if the duo’s new lifestyle isn't sign enough that a new era has begun, their casual tuques totally are. Eliza Huber,, 23 Jan. 2020 Tip o' the tuque to Ronan Heffernan and Paul McFedries. Wired Staff, WIRED, 1 Aug. 2001 Thousands, including Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, are braving a March cold that's uncharacteristic even for Canada—the type where the tuques and the scarves come out for survival purposes and the frost sets an ache in your gums. Adam Kovac, Esquire, 23 Apr. 2017
Word History
Canadian French, from French toque — more at toque