: an American vulture (Cathartes aura) with a red head and whitish bill
called alsoturkey buzzard
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebUnlike their less-aggressive cousin the turkey vulture, black vultures are known to gang up and prey on living calves, piglets, lambs and newborn goats. Bill Bowden, Arkansas Online, 7 Mar. 2022 Unlike the turkey vulture, black vultures are bolder and may prey on living animals from calves, lambs, piglets, and other small critters. Elizabeth Gamillo, Smithsonian Magazine, 7 Sep. 2021 Unlike their turkey vulture cousins, which are easy to spot with their red heads, black vultures don’t always wait for their meals to be dead. Sarah Bowman, USA TODAY, 17 Aug. 2021 Unlike their turkey vulture cousins, which are easy to spot with their red heads, black vultures don’t always wait for their meals to be dead. Sarah Bowman, The Indianapolis Star, 17 Aug. 2021 The episode opens on a turkey vulture strolling around the property for his morning jog. Ali Barthwell, Vulture, 29 June 2021 Hence a group of black vultures often will drive off a turkey vulture from a carcass. René A. Guzman, ExpressNews.com, 22 Sep. 2020 And there isn't much defense against black vultures and turkey vultures, both of which are federally protected and cannot be killed without a permit. Sarah Ladd, The Courier-Journal, 25 June 2019 How to tell the difference between a black vulture and a turkey vulture. Sarah Ladd, The Courier-Journal, 26 June 2019 See More