释义 |
: not customary or usual : unusual, atypical uncustomary behavior … the nurse returned in a state of most uncustomary excitement … Wilkie Collins uncustomarily ˌən-ˌkə-stə-ˈmer-ə-lē -ˈme-rə- adverb as in uncommonly -
uncommonly -
abnormally -
unusually -
extraordinarily -
improperly -
super -
extremely -
substantially -
deadly -
singularly -
exceeding -
significantly -
exceedingly -
extra -
extensively -
incredibly -
inappropriately -
remarkably -
exceptionally -
very -
terribly -
freakishly -
considerably -
highly -
unreasonably -
unconscionably -
excessively -
obscenely -
especially -
astronomically -
hugely -
greatly -
unbearably -
inordinately -
overly -
eminently -
intolerably -
whacking -
unduly -
inexcusably -
mightily -
extortionately -
too -
extravagantly -
devilishly -
overmuch -
intemperately -
immoderately -
unacceptably -
exorbitantly -
monstrously -
inadequately -
insufficiently -
reasonably -
moderately -
deficiently -
barely -
hardly -
just -
slightly -
scarcely -
acceptably -
modestly -
minimally -
marginally -
meagerly -
temperately -
scantily See More |