Recent Examples on the WebLeft undiscussed is the research suggesting that voucher programs do not produce excellent educational results. Peter Greene, Forbes, 20 June 2022 An aspect of World War II left undiscussed in the exhibition is the Holocaust. Marilyn Chase, Smithsonian Magazine, 11 July 2022 Ricker’s take is that trans issues should be addressed in the same manner as other concerns that, if left undiscussed, can lead to bullying, bigotry or misunderstanding. Christopher Arnott, Hartford Courant, 25 Apr. 2022 To your surprise, your friend has sent you an undiscussed Venmo request for $25. Morgan Hines, USA TODAY, 1 Apr. 2022 In the film, which is being offered in theaters and on Showtime, a close but fragile family of four seems afflicted by undiscussed sorrows. Kyle Smith, National Review, 10 Mar. 2022 These relationships are often complex, and Lucca and Luhrmann explore the idea that hearing voices isn’t necessarily cause for alarm, but a part of our rich mental landscape that often goes undiscussed.Harper’s Magazine , 15 Feb. 2022 Covid, if nothing else, has been a great focuser of minds, and here parents organized to stop such significant, undiscussed revisions. Daniel Henninger, WSJ, 9 Feb. 2022 In moving to dismiss the case, Kasowitz highlighted emails the firm sent to Walk in addition to letters that were sent to UMG raising the allegedly undiscussed legal theories. Winston Cho, The Hollywood Reporter, 18 Jan. 2022 See More