释义 |
2 : relating to or produced by joint action a united effort 3 : being in agreement : harmonious a united family 1 as in unanimous having or marked by agreement in feeling or action the party must present a united front if it hopes to win the election -
unanimous -
compatible -
kindred -
harmonious -
cooperative -
amicable -
congenial -
peaceful -
agreeable -
pacific -
frictionless -
collaborating -
peaceable -
understanding -
symbiotic -
friendly -
sympathetic -
synergetic -
synergic -
tolerant -
amiable -
neighborly -
noncompetitive -
nonconflicting -
cordial -
uncompetitive -
affable -
genial -
incompatible -
disunited -
hostile -
disagreeable -
antagonistic -
inharmonious -
discordant -
inimical -
conflicting -
uncongenial -
antipathetic -
unfriendly -
opposing -
opposite -
belligerent -
disharmonious -
competitive -
contradictory -
quarrelsome -
contentious -
clashing -
contrary -
competing -
contradicting -
rivaling -
rivalling See More 2 as in combined used or done by a number of people as a group when a campaign to raise funds is this successful, it's only because of the united effort of all concerned -
combined -
collective -
collaborative -
joint -
shared -
mutual -
communal -
cooperative -
concerted -
pooled -
common -
multiple -
public -
conjoint -
reciprocal -
synergistic -
conjunct -
symbiotic -
general -
mass -
bilateral -
synergic -
generic -
universal -
consensual -
popular -
two-way -
individual -
single -
solitary -
sole -
exclusive -
personal -
unilateral -
independent -
private -
several -
separate -
one-man -
special -
one-sided -
particular -
specialized -
one-way -
esoteric See More past tense of unite 1 as in fused to come together to form a single unit using the microscope, we watched the water droplets unite into a single pool -
combined -
fused -
unified -
connected -
joined -
coalesced -
coupled -
conjoined -
married -
interfused -
allied -
associated -
conjugated -
confederated -
reunited -
mated -
leagued -
yoked -
linked (up) -
assembled -
rejoined -
compounded -
convened -
congregated -
clustered -
spliced -
reunified -
constellated -
recombined -
chained -
reconnected -
hitched -
gathered -
met -
hooked -
separated -
split -
divided -
sundered -
dissevered -
severed -
parted -
isolated -
disunited -
resolved -
broke up -
divorced -
sectioned -
dissociated -
detached -
disjoined -
disconnected -
dispersed -
disjointed -
scattered -
uncoupled -
fractionated -
unlinked -
disbanded -
disaffiliated -
unyoked See More 2 as in consolidated to bring (something) to a central point or under a single control united several teams under the reorganization plan -
consolidated -
unified -
concentrated -
merged -
integrated -
combined -
centered -
polarized -
centralized -
compacted -
incorporated -
concentered -
coordinated -
reunited -
reduced -
joined -
harmonized -
coalesced -
fused -
blended -
conjoined -
linked -
assembled -
orchestrated -
blent -
gathered -
collected -
reunified -
colligated -
spread (out) -
separated -
decentralized -
segregated -
deconcentrated 3 as in cooperated to form or enter into an association that furthers the interests of its members parents united to reform the school's curriculum -
cooperated -
allied -
federated -
confederated -
collaborated -
merged -
organized -
cohered -
leagued -
coalesced -
consolidated -
conjoined -
converged -
closed ranks -
clubbed -
joined -
amalgamated -
combined -
associated -
grouped -
pulled together -
incorporated -
affiliated -
unionized -
hung together -
linked -
ganged up -
caballed -
banded (together) -
conglomerated -
tied -
knotted -
wedded -
wed -
teamed (up) -
separated -
split -
disbanded -
dissolved -
divorced -
broke up -
severed -
segregated -
parted -
detached -
disunited -
sundered -
disengaged -
alienated -
estranged -
fell out See More 4 as in collaborated to participate or assist in a joint effort to accomplish an end only if private investors and public officials unite for the common good, will this city experience an economic revival -
collaborated -
cooperated -
leagued -
joined -
concerted -
conjoined -
played ball -
conspired -
concurred -
allied -
combined -
confederated -
pulled together -
made common cause -
affiliated -
teamed (up) -
connived -
hung together -
banded (together) -
interfaced -
associated |