Recent Examples on the WebIn recent years, 5G antennas have started showing up everywhere, often as unlabeled boxes or cylinders on standalone poles or streetlights. Steven Jones, The Conversation, 22 Aug. 2022 Fleur Pond, Dry Cypress Bayou, Tom Loor Pass, Skipjack Bay: All have become undifferentiated, unlabeled expanses of open ocean. Boyce Upholt, Wired, 23 July 2022 Tangled wires and unlabeled charging cords that clutter your desk drawers?Seventeen, 22 June 2022 They are provided with unlabeled vials of different scents and asked to identify each one. Peter Valdes-dapena, CNN, 15 Apr. 2022 In the final round, Barrett and Richard faced off on a taco night challenge with a couple of obstacles: His fridge was full of unlabeled ingredients, while hers were hidden by wrapping, 26 Jan. 2022 Moderna may be essentially an unlabeled government department, but Pfizer and BioNTech (a German company heavily subsidized by their government), Novavax, and Johnson & Johnson spent gobs of money on initial research and crash effectiveness studies. Ryan Cooper, The Week, 2 Nov. 2021 The unlabeled pie chart shows percentages for carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and fluorinated gases. Kate S. Petersen, USA TODAY, 6 Dec. 2021 The car chase is mostly lifted from one of the most entertaining issues of the Fraction/Aja Hawkeye comic, down to Kate going through trial and error with Clint’s unlabeled trick arrows. Alan Sepinwall, Rolling Stone, 1 Dec. 2021 See More