: a crystalline acid C6H12O7 obtained by oxidation of glucose
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebAnother enzyme goes to work — glucose oxidase — which converts some of the glucose into gluconic acid that will help preserve the honey. Berly Mccoy, Smithsonian Magazine, 25 Oct. 2021 Instead of gluconolactone, for example, the ingredient may be listed as gluconic acid, zinc gluconate, or copper gluconate. Sarah Jacoby, SELF, 2 Aug. 2019
Word History
International Scientific Vocabulary, irregular from glucose + -ic
First Known Use
1871, in the meaning defined above
Medical Definition
gluconic acid
glu·con·ic acid (ˌ)glü-ˌkän-ik-
: a crystalline acid C6H12O7 obtained by oxidation of glucose and used chiefly in cleaning metals and as the source of its salts some of which are used medicinally see gluconate