释义 |
of a musical interval : made one half step less than perfect or minor a diminished fifth as in reduced -
reduced -
contracted -
compressed -
condensed -
dimpled -
pockmarked -
cupped -
cavernous -
alveolar -
hollow -
dented -
recurved -
recessed -
concave -
indented -
crescentic -
sunken -
dished -
cuplike -
depressed -
cuppy -
enlarged -
risen -
convex -
swollen -
expanded -
extended -
inflated -
distended -
bloated -
protuberant -
projecting -
blown up -
puffy -
bulbous -
ballooning -
protruding -
bulging -
protrusive -
global -
rounded -
puffed -
spherical -
round -
cambered -
globular -
domed -
jutting See More past tense of diminish 1 as in minimized to express scornfully one's low opinion of tends to diminish any rival's accomplishments with snide remarks -
minimized -
dismissed -
denigrated -
disparaged -
derogated -
criticized -
discounted -
depreciated -
belittled -
decried -
dumped on -
deprecated -
denounced -
poor-mouthed -
trashed -
disliked -
played down -
ran down -
cried down -
discredited -
condemned -
talked down -
wrote off -
bad-mouthed -
scolded -
dissed -
vilipended -
abused -
trash-talked -
maligned -
kissed off -
put down -
disgraced -
discommended -
traduced -
slandered -
defamed -
censured -
vilified -
reprehended -
ripped -
aspersed -
slurred -
disapproved (of) -
reprobated -
magnified -
applauded -
praised -
exalted -
extolled -
lauded -
approved -
acclaimed -
favored -
endorsed -
glorified -
recommended -
sanctioned -
indorsed -
complimented -
commended -
countenanced -
eulogized See More 2 as in decreased to make smaller in amount, volume, or extent the state's blood supplies were severely diminished by the two consecutive disasters -
reduced -
decreased -
depleted -
lessened -
dwindled -
lowered -
minimized -
eased -
abated -
dented -
downsized -
slashed -
dropped -
compressed -
cut -
knocked down -
shrunk -
downscaled -
shortened -
curtailed -
shrank -
de-escalated -
constricted -
truncated -
contracted -
condensed -
abridged -
trimmed -
pared -
deflated -
modified -
abbreviated -
cut down -
pruned -
nicked -
modulated -
retrenched -
cut back -
clipped -
cropped -
whittled -
docked -
moderated -
qualified -
increased -
expanded -
augmented -
enlarged -
amplified -
boosted -
escalated -
raised -
swelled -
prolonged -
extended -
inflated -
lengthened -
distended -
enhanced -
dilated -
aggrandized -
intensified -
supplemented -
blew up -
elongated -
added (to) -
heightened -
complemented -
protracted -
redoubled See More 3 as in subsided to grow less in scope or intensity especially gradually the sound of the train diminished as our distance from it increased -
increased -
expanded -
intensified -
enlarged -
grew -
built -
accumulated -
swelled -
rose -
soared -
escalated -
mounted -
mushroomed -
ballooned -
waxed -
burgeoned -
appeared -
emerged -
snowballed -
lengthened -
bourgeoned -
distended -
elongated -
picked up -
blew up -
showed up See More |