Recent Examples on the WebThere are entire cities now that claim gigabit internet status—ISPs in those places, frequently municipally owned or a utility company, offer connections of 1 gigabit per second (Gbps) or more. Eric Griffith, PCMAG, 18 Feb. 2022 Meanwhile, the global demand for laughter is greater than ever — comedy is culturally, if not municipally, essential work — which means supply will grow to meet it. Allure Editors, Allure, 15 July 2021 Quincy College is a two-year, municipally affiliated community college serving about 4,000 students at campuses in Quincy and, 31 Aug. 2021 Companies, co-ops and municipally owned utilities that own transmission and distribution facilities would be required to submit annual outage plans. Dave Lieber, Dallas News, 25 Mar. 2021 Companies, co-ops and municipally owned utilities that own transmission and distribution facilities would be required to submit annual outage plans. Dave Lieber, Dallas News, 25 Mar. 2021 Companies, co-ops and municipally owned utilities that own transmission and distribution facilities would be required to submit annual outage plans. Dave Lieber, Dallas News, 25 Mar. 2021 Companies, co-ops and municipally owned utilities that own transmission and distribution facilities would be required to submit annual outage plans. Dave Lieber, Dallas News, 25 Mar. 2021 The reality is that only packaging with a 1 or 2 stamped in that triangle is going to be widely municipally recyclable. Beth Shapouri, Allure, 22 Apr. 2021 See More