Recent Examples on the WebSohel’s father, an aristo to his fingertips, would have been amused to think of a Dunyapur peasant having an opinion on the matter at all, and might have called him over to enjoy his discomfiture in the presence of the Begum Sahiba’s bikini. Daniyal Mueenuddin, The New Yorker, 31 Aug. 2021 Linda is a sheltered, frivolous, and innocuous aristo-fool. Lesley M.m. Blume, Town & Country, 31 July 2021 This rogue aristo, who jokingly promised never to design tiaras, wasn’t having any of it. Laird Borrelli-persson, Vogue, 18 May 2021 Her hatred is particularly directed towards the aristo-looking Veronica. Deborah Young, The Hollywood Reporter, 14 Sep. 2019 Howells began his adventures in design stenciling the floors of the Laura Ashley boutique in the early 1980s, then at the nexus of boho London aristo society. Hamish Bowles, Vogue, 19 July 2018 And no self-respecting aristo or royal would want to be considered suburban. Sam Dangremond, Town & Country, 21 May 2018 The image of Osborne as a blithe and snooty aristo may be indelible, but it is belied by his political development. Ed Caesar, Esquire, 15 Sep. 2017 Hill was an Old Etonian, a school contemporary of such aristo-aesthetes as Harold Acton, Cyril Connolly, James Lees-Milne, and Anthony Powell. Francis Wheen, Vanities, 19 Feb. 2017 See More