Recent Examples on the WebFor example, the house finch almost always dominates the purple finch, and the purple finch almost always dominates the dark-eyed junco, but when house finch and junco face off directly, the junco often dominates.Washington Post, 26 Nov. 2021 In North America, researchers found that the dark-eyed junco bird species also experienced an increase in bill size. Greta Bjornson,, 8 Sep. 2021 In North America, dark-eyed junco saw similar increases in bill size. Jordan Mendoza, USA TODAY, 7 Sep. 2021 There was an out-of-season dark-eyed junco in Westborough and an Acadian flycatcher and four winter wrens at Noanet Woods in, 26 June 2021 Some birds, like the pine warbler, the chipping sparrow, and the dark-eyed junco — which all produce loud, musical trills — have similar-sounding, 23 Apr. 2021 Even if there is no snow on the ground, winter walks mean encounters with beloved birds, such as the dark-eyed junco, that only appear this time of year. Jen Rose Smith, CNN, 13 Nov. 2020 The dark-eyed junco is a common spring and fall migrant throughout Minnesota, and a common winter visitor in the southern part of the state. Jim Gilbert, Star Tribune, 15 Oct. 2020 Other birds who have since joined the backyard party: a squeaky, dark-eyed junco pecking for seeds and a pair of mourning doves who are messy eaters but elegant cooers. Carly Mallenbaum, USA TODAY, 14 May 2020 See More