: a gathering for the purpose of erecting a barn compare beeentry 3
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebAfter Christmas, when the winter was deep and the crops were in, families would gather at a farm, as if for a barn raising, to butcher hogs, putting meat away in a smokehouse for the coming year. Casey Cep, The New Yorker, 28 Mar. 2022 Zumthor, in turn, called on them to come together as neighbors and build his design themselves, as in a latter-day barn raising. Ligaya Mishan, New York Times, 21 Sep. 2020 Getting the building into shape required a modern-day barn raising.Washington Post, 5 Nov. 2019 What happened was akin to an old-fashioned barn raising where the farm community turned out in force to help one of their own in a time of need. Tom Hallman Jr., OregonLive.com, 8 Dec. 2017