释义 |
as in nuts having or showing a very abnormal or sick state of mind by film's end it's obvious that faded movie star Norma Desmond is completely bats -
nuts -
psychotic -
gaga -
mad -
lunatic -
maniac -
insane -
batty -
cuckoo -
psycho -
mental -
disturbed -
crazy -
crackers -
maniacal -
ballistic -
cracked -
paranoid -
crazed -
demented -
moonstruck -
loony tunes -
looney tunes -
around the bend -
wacko -
paranoidal -
strange -
meshugah -
deranged -
bughouse -
meshugge -
unhinged -
barmy -
loco -
bonkers -
bedlam -
off -
loony -
depressed -
fruity -
nutty -
non compos mentis -
whacko -
haywire -
irrational -
looney -
certifiable -
daffy -
unbalanced -
fey -
bananas -
crackpot -
touched -
queer -
wacky -
daft -
meshuggah -
kooky -
obsessed -
kookie -
eccentric -
brainsick -
crackbrained -
out to lunch -
screwy -
meshuga -
nuclear -
balmy -
off one's gourd -
odd -
whacky -
unsound -
foolish -
off one's rocker -
wud -
off one's head -
distracted -
aberrant -
out of one's mind -
out of one's head -
scatty -
ape -
loopy -
cranky -
distraught -
unreasonable -
schizophrenic -
berserk -
neurotic -
oddball -
disordered -
dotty -
potty -
delirious -
sociopathic -
schizoid -
frantic -
delusional -
hysterical -
delusionary -
paranoiac -
pixilated -
pixillated -
hysteric -
witless -
tetched -
raving -
teched -
amok -
fixated -
paranoic -
monomaniac -
amuck -
obsessive-compulsive -
senseless -
monomaniacal -
frenzied -
wigged-out -
sound -
compos mentis -
balanced -
sane -
clear -
reasonable -
normal -
healthy -
rational -
lucid -
judicious -
uncrazy -
sensible -
wise -
well-adjusted -
unneurotic See More plural of bat 1 as in hits a hard strike with a part of the body or an instrument a sharp bat with a rolled-up newspaper and that fly was a goner -
hits -
blows -
punches -
thumps -
thuds -
strokes -
swipes -
knocks -
whacks -
pounds -
slaps -
licks -
pokes -
pelts -
smacks -
bangs -
beats -
clips -
hooks -
slugs -
socks -
lashes -
spanks -
stingers -
clouts -
switches -
swats -
stripes -
swings -
claps -
biffs -
slams -
hands -
boxes -
belts -
haymakers -
chops -
raps -
thwacks -
knees -
bops -
hacks -
cuffs -
whams -
buffets -
welts -
smashes -
bashes -
cracks -
kicks -
picks -
whaps -
lickings -
wallops -
busts -
dabs -
fillips -
larrups -
counters -
douses -
counterstrokes -
plumps -
sidewinders -
whops -
counterblows -
beatings -
counter-strokes -
shivers -
rights -
body blows -
crunchers -
counter-blows -
counterpunches -
rabbit punches -
batterings -
roundhouses -
whips -
uppercuts -
lefts -
right-handers -
knockdowns -
bastinadoes -
knockouts -
thrashings -
sucker punches -
drubbings -
pastings -
bastinades -
whippings -
kayos -
one-twos -
wallopings -
KOs 2 as in canes a heavy rigid stick used as a weapon or for punishment riot policemen armed with bats and tear gas -
canes -
batons -
mallets -
staves -
hammers -
clubs -
bludgeons -
rods -
staffs -
nightsticks -
maces -
cudgels -
beetles -
truncheons -
shillelaghs -
billy clubs -
bastinadoes -
waddies -
billies -
saps -
bastinades -
shillalahs -
rungs -
staves -
knobkerries -
birches -
rattans -
blackjacks -
sledgehammers -
hickories -
mauls -
switches -
gavels -
crosiers -
crooks -
croziers -
crabsticks -
walking sticks -
whangees present tense third-person singular of bat 1 as in knocks to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous manner batted the lamp off the table with one strike -
hits -
knocks -
punches -
strikes -
bangs -
smacks -
slaps -
pounds -
clips -
slams -
claps -
whacks -
swipes -
cracks -
hammers -
boxes -
nails -
whales -
slugs -
clocks -
socks -
clouts -
thumps -
bashes -
bludgeons -
kicks -
swats -
taps -
licks -
tags -
flicks -
thwacks -
batters -
raps -
belts -
bops -
jabs -
pokes -
smites -
chops -
bobs -
biffs -
wallops -
zaps -
strokes -
busts -
pastes -
bonks -
stabs -
bumps -
clobbers -
pelts -
shoves -
pushes -
peppers -
bunts -
mauls -
skulls -
stamps -
lashes -
beats -
pommels -
butts -
knees -
hangs one on -
cuffs -
slogs -
clubs -
buffets -
laces -
decks -
brains -
spears -
canes -
pummels -
levels -
slashes -
mangles -
scuffs -
roughs -
bungs -
creams -
sledgehammers -
drubs -
floors -
whips -
dumps -
cudgels -
prods -
switches -
beans -
sledges -
fells -
conks -
knocks down -
flails -
jostles -
saps -
rabbit-punches -
sucker punches -
thrashes -
lambasts -
lambastes -
bowls (down or over) -
flogs 2 as in batters to strike repeatedly batted the piñata until it finally broke open -
batters -
licks -
lashes -
pounds -
pelts -
hides -
hits -
whips -
attacks -
beats -
knocks -
whales -
thumps -
clubs -
hammers -
punches -
assaults -
does -
smashes -
mauls -
boxes -
slaps -
paddles -
slates -
raids -
bludgeons -
chops -
spanks -
storms -
slams -
pommels -
birches -
bashes -
switches -
belts -
works over -
curries -
buffets -
punches out -
tans -
laces -
wallops -
whacks -
pummels -
wounds -
thrashes -
threshes -
lathers -
smacks -
swipes -
drubs -
whaps -
fibs -
socks -
flogs -
bungs up -
bastes -
belabors -
clouts -
cracks -
swats -
slogs -
whups -
beats up on -
lambastes -
whops -
thwacks -
canes -
cudgels -
tromps -
leathers -
lams -
rushes -
flagellates -
cuffs -
whams -
lambasts -
blackjacks -
scourges -
straps -
pastes -
clobbers -
busts -
cowhides -
horsewhips -
assails -
besets -
rawhides -
roughs (up) -
lacerates -
whomps -
lays on -
messes (up) -
descends (on or upon) -
gores -
mutilates -
pistol-whips -
maims -
jumps (on) -
fustigates -
mangles -
pounces (on or upon) 3 as in roams to move about from place to place aimlessly on Sunday afternoons we'd pile into Father's car and bat around the countryside -
roams -
wanders -
cruises -
drifts -
strolls -
floats -
roves -
ranges -
maunders -
galavants -
gypsies -
traipses -
gallivants -
hobos -
rambles -
mooches -
meanders -
gads (about) -
knocks (about) -
tramps -
saunters -
mopes -
vagabonds -
ambles -
kicks around -
strays -
dawdles -
straggles -
mills (about or around) |