a low, mournful sound uttered in pain or grief: the groans of dying soldiers.
a deep, inarticulate sound uttered in derision, disapproval, desire, etc.
a deep grating or creaking sound due to a sudden or continued overburdening, as with a great weight: We heard the groan of the ropes as the crane lowered the heavy cargo into the ship's hold.
verb (used without object)
to utter a deep, mournful sound expressive of pain or grief.
to make a deep, inarticulate sound expressive of derision, disapproval, desire, etc.
to make a sound resembling a groan; resound harshly: The steps of the old house groaned under my weight.
to be overburdened or overloaded.
to suffer greatly or lamentably: groaning under an intolerable burden.
verb (used with object)
to utter or express with groans.
Origin of groan
First recorded before 900; Middle English gronen, Old English grānian; cognate with German greinen “to whine”
synonym study for groan
1. Groan,moan refer to sounds indicating deep suffering. A groan is a brief, strong, deep-throated sound emitted involuntarily under pressure of pain or suffering: The wounded man groaned when they lifted him. A moan is a prolonged, more or less continuous, low, inarticulate sound indicative of suffering, either physical or mental: She was moaning after the operation. She did not weep, but moaned softly.