a single seat on legs or a pedestal and without arms or a back.
a short, low support on which to stand, step, kneel, or rest the feet while sitting.
Horticulture. the stump, base, or root of a plant from which propagative organs are produced, as shoots for layering.
the base of a plant that annually produces new stems or shoots.
a cluster of shoots or stems springing up from such a base or from any root, or a single shoot or layer.
a bird fastened to a pole or perch and used as a decoy.
an artificial duck or other bird, usually made from wood, used as a decoy by hunters.
a privy.
the fecal matter evacuated at each movement of the bowels.
the sill of a window.
a bishop's seat considered as symbolic of his authority; see.
the sacred chair of certain African chiefs, symbolic of their kingship.
verb (used without object)
to put forth shoots from the base or root, as a plant; form a stool.
Slang. to turn informer; serve as a stool pigeon.
Idioms for stool
fall between two stools, to fail, through hesitation or indecision, to select either of two alternatives.
Origin of stool
before 900; Middle English; Old English stōl; cognate with German Stuhl,Old Norse stōll,Gothic stols chair; all <Germanic *stō- (<Indo-European root of stand) + *-l- suffix; akin to OCS stolŭ throne
The Hong Kong scientists studied stool samples from 15 patients to better understand the virus’s activity in the gastrointestinal tract.
COVID-19 infection lingers in the gut, even after it clears the respiratory system, researchers say|Claire Zillman, reporter|September 8, 2020|Fortune
Since the first weeks of the pandemic, however, scientists in China have said infectious virus in the stool of patients may also play a role in transmission.
COVID-19 infection lingers in the gut, even after it clears the respiratory system, researchers say|Claire Zillman, reporter|September 8, 2020|Fortune
A February study of 73 patients hospitalized with the coronavirus in China’s Guangdong province found more than half tested positive for the virus in their stool.
COVID-19 infection lingers in the gut, even after it clears the respiratory system, researchers say|Claire Zillman, reporter|September 8, 2020|Fortune
I love how the stool features a big bite of kernels missing, suggesting that it is almost too delicious to not purchase.
Summer Is Forever With This Corn-on-the-Cob Chair|Emma Orlow|August 28, 2020|Eater
I needed to know more about the woman behind the corn stool, so I emailed Abi Crompton, the creative director and founder of Third Drawer.
Summer Is Forever With This Corn-on-the-Cob Chair|Emma Orlow|August 28, 2020|Eater
He noticed her in the crowd while he was sitting on his stool between rounds.
The Life and Hard Times Of The Family A Cuban Defector Left Behind|Brin-Jonathan Butler|December 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Furthermore, a person with norovirus has about 70 billion viral particles per gram of stool.
A Doctor Explains Why Cruise Ships Should Be Banned|Kent Sepkowitz|November 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I try to catch the eye of this third boy, but he plops down onto a stool and avoids my gaze.
Magical Gardens for the Blind, Deaf, and Disabled|Elizabeth Picciuto|October 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Long wisps fall across her forehead as she sits very straight on her stool, her narrow shoulder blades drawn back elegantly.
The Stacks: The Searing Story of How Murder Stalked a Tiny New York Town|E. Jean Carroll|April 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Everman had his last drink and left for the night when a friend grabbed me by the arm, yanking me off my stool.
He Left Nirvana Because He Had Cooler Things to Do. Like Going to Iraq.|Jacob Siegel|April 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
"'Cause if I lean back against the cushion my feet won't touch the stool," she said.
Daisy's Work|Joanna H. (Joanna Hooe) Mathews
For answer Ned pointed to the empty bed, and to the stool, on which Frank usually placed his clothes.
Frank Roscoe's Secret|Allen Chapman
The man lowered himself stiffly on the edge of a stool and looked at Urim's daughter with steady eyes.
Warrior of the Dawn|Howard Carleton Browne
Mary was so anxious that she got up from her stool and came to him and caught hold of both his hands.
The Secret Garden|Frances Hodgson Burnett
Urgent desire for stool, sometimes removed by passing wind; quantity normal,3 .
New, Old, and Forgotten Remedies: Papers by Many Writers|Various
British Dictionary definitions for stool
/ (stuːl) /
a backless seat or footrest consisting of a small flat piece of wood, etc, resting on three or four legs, a pedestal, etc
a rootstock or base of a plant, usually a woody plant, from which shoots, etc, are produced
a cluster of shoots growing from such a base
mainlyUSa decoy used in hunting
waste matter evacuated from the bowels
a lavatory seat
(in W Africa, esp Ghana) a chief's throne
fall between two stools
to fail through vacillation between two alternatives
to be in an unsatisfactory situation through not belonging to either of two categories or groups
(of a plant) to send up shoots from the base of the stem, rootstock, etc
to lure wildfowl with a decoy
Word Origin for stool
Old English stōl; related to Old Norse stōll, Gothic stōls, Old High German stuol chair, Greek stulos pillar