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[ guhm-shoo ] / ˈgʌmˌʃu / SEE SYNONYMS FOR gumshoe ON THESAURUS.COM
nounSlang. a detective. a shoe made of gum elastic or India rubber; rubber overshoe. sneaker (def. 1). verb (used without object), gum·shoed, gum·shoe·ing.Slang. - to work as a detective.
- to go softly, as if wearing rubber shoes; move or act snoopily or stealthily.
Origin of gumshoeAn Americanism dating back to 1860–65; gum1 + shoe Words nearby gumshoegumption, gum resection, gum resin, Gumri, gumshield, gumshoe, gumsucker, gum thus, gum tragacanth, gum tree, gum up Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for gumshoeMontalbán endowed his Catalan gumshoe with an equally impressive set of quirks that are aired and explored in each book. The Foodie Detective: The Pepe Carvalho Novels by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán|Malcolm Forbes|October 3, 2012|DAILY BEAST In some ways, The Hypnotist hews closer to the American gumshoe tradition. It’s Not Easy Being Swede|Lizzie Skurnick|June 17, 2011|DAILY BEAST The book on which I was doing all the gumshoe reporting, Godtalk, is now a time capsule. My Meetings With the Man Behind the Mosque|Brad Gooch|August 19, 2010|DAILY BEAST But theres nothing I can do; Im in with Gumshoe worse than ever. Deering of Deal|Latta Griswold
I had no business to write that thing in the first place; neither had Jimmie for that matter,—about Gumshoe or anybody else. Deering of Deal|Latta Griswold In the crowd there chanced to be one of that slick class of individuals known as gumshoe men. Droll Stories of Isthmian Life|Evelyn Saxton Lets whoop her up for Gumshoe, and avoid any daffy questions about being quizzled by the Head. Deering of Deal|Latta Griswold The Gumshoe, as I have reason to know, can be uncommonly mean, but I dont believe for a minute that hes a sneak. Deering of Deal|Latta Griswold
British Dictionary definitions for gumshoe
nouna waterproof overshoe US and Canadian a rubber-soled shoe US and Canadian slang a detective or one who moves about stealthily US and Canadian slang a stealthy action or movement verb -shoes, -shoeing or -shoed(intr) US and Canadian slang to act stealthily Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to gumshoesleuth, cop, sneaker, investigator, tec, flatfoot, dick |